still one of the most beautiful games I've ever played.

really funny and fun game, though the endgame is very lacking

The "mods" do a lot better currently, go pick up Psych Engine or another engine instead.

Old sandbox game that still holds up to this day.

though i prefer Resort over this any day, still a solid game for what it was made for.

Really good gameplay wise, though the story is a stupid parody of the original story (intentionally!) if you want a good story, just go for the original.

A really good 3d platformer, with a really amazing modding community (if you have a PC)

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Simple horror game, not a lot to it, but still really good for what it is.

Really fun game so far, can't wait for the next chapter!

Was a fun game with a great story, but the gacha mechanics and crappily told story really turned me off.