16 reviews liked by mides_

one of the most self-sabotaging games i've ever played lol

Feels like blowing through a straw at a toy sailboat! You can't reload if you accidentally steal something!

tales from the old country, or stalked by a gouraud shaded garou in folkloric no man's land. if these blobs can spook, why are we still caught in the cobwebbed brown flashlight batteries are running out hide-and-go-seek meta? a major work in survival horror and not as influential as it should be

some days i wanna domain distort my life into a noise texture too

Christopher Nolan's Dowhill Jam. Hate to be all "Cons: - Too much water" but lol. Has so few levels that feel like they make any satisfying use of the Zineth gravity-shifting mechanic and the cloying story insists on butting in to fuck up the vibes. I just KNOW the dev crew watched Interstellar while feverishly taking notes and none of them related to anything I wanted out of a game like this, very sad. Exo One is screaming from the diaphragm for some kind of Steam Workshop implementation so people can make School II or Hangar or even Bob-omb Battlefield.

manages to integrate sekiro into soulsborne combat in a way that fromsoft either hasn't figured out or wanted to. the game gives the player so many tools for comebacks that most of my boss fights were just barely won by the end of the game.

there are typical smaller-studio complaints like some rough difficulty spikes or enemy re-use by the end of the game, but the fact that this game feels as good as it does while telling a self-contained, thoughtful story in the pinocchio universe is way more important than any of the game's issues. genuinely excited for the dlc/sequel, and i hope fromsoft is taking notes

The jokes kept landing the whole way through. That had never happened before with a video game, and hasn't happened since. (I am not counting Deltarune since it isn't finished)

Hurt my ears so I stopped playing! What do you want me to say?? It hurt my ears too much. You know I'm not lying because it hurt your ears too. What should I have done? Should I have turned the volume down? That would have been bullshit. It gets 2 stars because it hurt my ears.

has some neat modern ideas, like the effects of constant art discourse on self-worth, but doesn't do anything more than state an issue when it's brought up. there was an opportunity here to discuss the overlap of old-school silent hill issues (eg. generational trauma) with what it seems the decision-makers are more familiar with, but the issues the game tackles are entirely isolated from one another - that's the bullying room, this is the 'i-hate-my-art' room, etc.

as for whether it's a "Silent Hill" game - sure it is. the franchise of 25 years ago doesn't exist anymore. AAA media today is designed by committee to capture the public's attention with nostalgia, UHD graphics, and streamlined gameplay loops. that's not inherently bad, but it's not really conducive to slow-burning meditative stories like the original games. you'll have to look beyond konami (hint: indies) to find anything resembling classic silent hill

some puzzles are great, but at other times you're waiting 4x45 seconds for timothy trap horn to wheel by so you can try another permutation. i felt like i spent half my gameplay waiting for stuff to happen and i beat the game in 2.1 hours.

cool ideas but aesthetically and mechanically this game is not my vibe