Took me just over one hour to beat this. Played like 20 mins on monday to record some clips and played through the rest today.

Good visuals and atmosphere, the gameplay is unfortunately simpler than it should be. There's some mechanic here that could've been used way better. The jumpscares are also very, very meh.

It's worth a playthrough tho, it's pretty short.

A fun and short dlc.

There's three "levels" you can play. The Rose one is pretty fun, although it really shows the gunplay in AW2 isn't great, the 2nd one is okay, too much backtracking and no map made it a bit confusing. The third one is really nice! Clever writing and level design make it stand out a lot from the others, specially the latest part!
I can see some people being disappointed with this since it's pretty much random stuff, being fiction or alternate universes. If you were expecting a more AW2 themed story or something that continued it you'll probably wanna wait until the lakehouse dlc!

If you wanna have fun with some random stories this is quite nice!

A painfully dull game, very nice graphics and atmosphere but the combat/gameplay always felt weird to me, the level design was sometimes terrible and the story was meh.

I have 12h on this and I can say it's quite fun except for the terrible hit registration and slow leveling up, without a xp booster or a double xp weekend it takes quite some time to level up a gun. Will keep playing if it has some nice updates!

Fun gameplay, story and the lead are ehhh, nice visuals and atmosphere. The boss battles are pretty good although sometimes there's too much stuff happening on screen and it can be difficult to dodge some attacks.

I liked the house sections, they're short and spooky. Reminded me a bit of PT.

I was expecting to enjoy it more, the progression is kinda weird imo. Yeah you get some permanent upgrades but they're not that meaningful if the game's rng is against you. The story not being very intesting also doesn't help a lot, it was okay; I expected a bit more.

Overall, it's a nice game and I'm excited to see what Housemarque does next!

I'm glad the game's back but the performance isn't great, I have some huge fps drops in some stages.

The combat now feels way more sluggish, if it was a bit slower I'd understand but you really notice a HUGE difference whwen playing with characters that were faster before. You get used to it and I guess this deals with people who just used to spam attacks.

There's now a PVE mode that's pretty basic, a couple dialogues, fights and a few mini-games. Some have trashed on it but I think it's fine. Each match has its set of challenges to complete although they all have one where you have to play with a friend which can be a bit annoying, since you won't always have a friend available.

You can now get stuff with character mastery points!! You can get The Batman Who Laughs skin for 100k points, it takes a good while to get that but it's a pretty coop skin you can get for me. I'm actually surprise it didn't end up being sold on the store.

Those who had played the game when it was in Open beta get this battle pass for free and you get enough gleamium (premium currency) to get the next battle pass if you want!

Speaking of battle pass, they removed the xp you got from every match, just to make it longer to complete lol, what a stupid change...

At the end of the matches there would always be something that showed how much damage you dealt, how many ringouts,etc but that got removed too...
The tutorial now is one of the most basic I've seen for a fighting game, it doesn't even tell you all types of attacks... So for those who didn't play it before they'll have to watch something on YouTube to get the grasp of some mechanics that were explained in the game before.

Some QOL improvements and nice content will probably make me enjoy it way more!

It's still overall fun tho.

Enjoyed it a bit more this time around, played mostly on Lethal, makes the combat "better" because on lower difficulties the enemies feel like sponges.

The story is nice, although some parts feel rushed/underdeveloped and some characters don't have much depth as they could have.

The combat is pretty nice although sometimes it doesn't feel as responsive as it should. The 4 stances are nice.

The music is amazing, some really beautiful tracks.

The open world is really pretty to look at but itis not THAT interesting imo.

The dlc was good too.

Overall, it's a pretty cool game, but not the masterpiece many claim it is.

My only flaws with this game are some characters not having much depth and the gameplay not being very responsive sometimes (or inputs seemingly not registering).

The game looks amazing, played it on rpcs3 at 4k60fps. The art style is amazing!! Makes the game barely age in some regards.

The gameplay is pretty simple but it's quite fun due to how good the level design is, each area feels quite distinct from the others.

The soundtrack is pretty nice, there's some pretty good tracks here.

The story is also simple but the execution is good! The characters are quite fun and seeing their interactions was always entertaining.

Can't wait to play the rest of the franchise.

A game with an interesting concept that gets more boring the more you play it. It also has one of the most terribly designed areas I've ever seen in a game.

The story starts out nicely but after a couple hours it became very uninteresting. I didn't care for most of the characters too.

Visually it's pretty nice, the locations are detailed and so are the enemies, characters and bosses.

The gameplay is a mixed bag, it has interesting elements like changing your blood code which alters your stats and some abilities, but the combat itself feels weird. I remember Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 playing way better and they're older games.

The soundtrack is really good! Lots of nice tracks here.

Overall, imo it's a very mediocre game. If the gameplay felt better I'd have enjoyed this more but after a while the combat also started getting boring aside from the boss battles.

A jaw-dropping game with a nice story and some underwhelming gameplay and puzzles.

Let's start with the most obvious thing: this game looks insanely good! One of the most, if not the most realistic-looking game ever.

The combat is unfortunately extremely similar to the first game's and some puzzles too, I was disappointed by that. There's also less combat here than in the first game iirc, but it seemed like there was more walking and cutscenes here.
At first, it bothered me, I wanted more gameplay elements. But I realized that a combat focused game isn't what they're going for and then I started enjoying it more. I still would've liked an improved combat system but we got some incredible animations so I guess it was a fair trade.
Animation wise it's also really, really good, from the combat sequences to the more calm ones where you're just looking around, everything is incredibly well animated. The music is also amazing! Gives a lot of atmosphere and tension to the world.

The story is okay. I didn't get very attached to most characters aside from Senua, the game isn't very long and you spend quite a bit of it alone so yeah. There was also a very predictable plot point that I saw coming from a mile away. The ending is pretty good! I think it's a good ending for the franchise.

I'm very interested in what's next for Ninja Theory!

Banger soundtrack and gameplay, the story is a bit confusing due to the constant timeline changing.
There's some bs sections that are very frustrating, you can get shot by an enemy that's offscreen but overall the level design is pretty solid.
Would like to see a sequel or another game similar to this!

Tried this out for 1h30 and it's just not for me. I'm not a huge fan of games that revolve a lot around crafting so that turned me off a lot already.
The game looks good and you can have a varied build with several powers and the building system seems to be pretty good!
So yeah, the game's decent, just not for me.

I was expecting to enjoy this a bit more and I would have if the performance wasn't GARBAGE. Couldn't even hold stable 60fps at medium/low settings with FSR2 ON, absolutely insane.
The story is fine, some moments didn't really impact me as the gamw wants it to.
The graphics had a nice upgrade from what I could see when the game didn't ran like it was on a ps3.
The gameplay also has some cool upgrades, there's more combat moves, stances, powers, all very welcome, but the combat still feels very weird, it's not very responsive and sometimes you'll be fighting multiple enemies and it's a pain in the ass. There's a stance where you can cancel attack animations by blocking so it helps a bit in this regard but the other stances don't have this.
The game has bigger areas now, I didn't really explore a lot tbh, I'd have spent more time with the game if it was actually optimized, I just did the main story and a couple side things here and there.
Overall, it's a nice sequel although it runs terribly on pc and could've improved the combat's responsivity.

This game has some of the worst voice acting I've heard, it's super monotonous.
The visuals are pretty nice, the gameplay is what you expect from a walking sim and the story is okay.
If the voice acting was better the game would also be way better.

I finally played Metal Gear Solid. D A M N.
What an amazing game, I only have a few criticisms. I'll start with that.
There's some backtracking that's sometimes boring and the gameplay is (obviously) quite clunky since it's a 26 year old game but it works fine most of the time.
Everything else I really liked, the visuals, the locations, the characters, the story, the music... All really, really good.
The boss fights are also very cool, some can be a bit annoying due to the gameplay being clunky tho.
I can't imagine how people must've felt playing this in 1998. Wish we got a game now that is as revolutionary as this was for its time but that's problably not gonna happen.
I'm excited to play MGS2!