IT'S PEAK!!! Gonna write a proper review after I have more playtime, but it is super fun from what I've played.
UPDATE 1: I have 9h of playtime right now and the game's overall really good, just needs some tweaks in the gameplay. Some enemies feel too spongy, the dodge feels weird and some weapons too imo. You can also stunlock enemies after destroying their armor lol, makes the game slightly easier. Dunno if these were intentional so it can be a bit different from Hades 1 but the gameplay feels a bit off. It's still in EA so this willl probably get adressed.

Helldivers 2 was one of 2024's biggest hits so far until people realised you had to link a psn to your steam account, which makes the game unplayable/unavailable in tons of countries, I hope this either gets worked around or removed for those people.
Now about the game itself, the gameplay is pretty fun, the gunplay feels really good, you can have tons of fun with friends and sometimes with randoms too. It gets a bit repetitive after a while like most GAAS but it's always pretty fun, I'm not a big fan of having guns locked behind "paid" passes. They can be unlocked freely if you grind them out but you'll probably not have one completed when another gets released. If the game was f2p this'd be understandable but the game is 39,99€.
Anyway, I hope Sony works with Arrowhead to work around this account stuff and keep working on the game.

A rpg that has some very interesting ideas but the execution wasn't very good imo. Not having how to transversal the map in any other way besides walking around becomes a hassle after a while, specially when going to distant locations.
The story was also very underwhelming, it started out pretty nicely but then it quickly got boring. I also didn't really care for any characters...
Now onto what I liked about it! The gameplay, music and visuals held up nicely, The gameplay can be frustrating at times when dealing with certain enemies but most of the time it works fine. Graphically it has a very pleasing aesthetic, it can be a very chill game during the day and spooky by night. The enemy designs (mostly bosses') are really, really good! The music was also nice, it made the game have even more of a nice atmosphere.
I really wanted to love this game... I was during the first couple hours but the fast travel also being limited to items also felt like an unnecessary choice to make you buy or actually having to go search specific items to do so...

I had already played this for a couple hours on PS4, so it was nice playing it again and paying more attention this time around.
The visuals, soundtrack, story/lore all very good and interesting, you're always curious to learn more about this universe. I think the gameplay gets a bit stale after a while, some parts can be very confusing and one thing that really bothered me was that you could only see the logs from stuff you've found in your ship.
That aside, this is a pretty unique game and if you like slow paced games this is amazing for you!! I didn't play the dlc, maybe in the future.

A Plague Tale: Requiem improves in most aspects from the previous game, the gameplay is pretty much the same with some QOL improvements, the areas are bigger and more detailed now, more enemy variety, new items to use, the graphics are also really, really good too.
The story is nice although I wasn't a huge fan of some parts and reveals, I wasn't very attached to other characters besides Amicia and Hugo so some moments weren't very impactful.
I also would've liked some more improvements to the gameplay, it still feels a bit clunky like in the first game.
Overall, it's a solid sequel and a nice ending to the franchise.

Although the gameplay didn't change in many ways, the story was more interesting than 2033's.
The gameplay is still okay, it gets the job done.
Graphically it still looks quite nice!
I'm interested to play Exodus.

Skaramazuzu is a beautiful looking game with simple gameplay and a nice story and fun dialogues.
The map can sometimes be a bit confusing and the puzzles are very boring imo but the rest of the games makes up for it!

Very generic and the english translation is ocasionally HORRIBLE.
The plot, characters, twists were all meh. The game isn't very long so you can have a decent time with it.

Although there is more puzzle variety and a new enemy type and weapon, the story took a very weird turn near the end, which should be in the base game.
The story also isn't that interesting anymore and the final boss battle is atrocious, it glitched for me like 3/4 times. The boss would get stuck inside a wall and I had to restart from the latest checkpoint.
The twist also felt like a "Got ya!" moment instead of an actually well done one.

I have not played a lot of dead space, just one or two hours of the mobile game and like 30 mins of the original one, so I did not have the expectations some people had when going into this.
That said, the game is overall disappointing. Uninteresting villain, lore is meh, characters aren't great either, the combat gets repetitive very quickly, etc...
Graphically the game is stunning! Every location looks gorgeous.
The gameplay is fine, the controls during combat are a bit weird since you have to move the left stick to dodge. You get used to it but it always felt a bit weird. The combat is pretty much always the same thing and when there are a few enemies around you the camera is a problem, you'll get hit from behind and may lose a significant amount of health and it's annoying. The exploration is poor, there's not a lot of "side" areas you can explore and when there are they're very uninteresting.
The story is meh, has an interesting premise, but some moments don't feel earned at all and reduce the story's impact. (This is way worse on the dlc...)
Although I'm being harsh on it, TCP isn't a bad game, it's just okay but it could've been much, much better. Gameplay is ok, graphics are amazing, story and characters meh.

Although I didn't enjoy it like I did during my first two playthroughs it's still quite fun. The story is nice, some parts are rushed and underdeveloped and make some moments not as memorable as they could be.
The combat is similar to the Arkham games although easier here, you'll pretty much always have time to counter your enemies' attacks.
The driving is meh, could be better but it works!
Graphically it still looks nice although this version has some weird artistic choices...
The open world is ok, there's some side activies that are fun, others are just meh or feel like stuff there's just there to extend the play time artificially.
Overall, it's a very fun game! I wish we got a sequel.

My only complaint about this game is that are still some enemies that are just annoying to fight against and I felt there was some urgency missing during some story parts.
Everything else was upgraded from the previous one, the voice acting, graphics, gameplay and story are all better here!
The boss battles and puzzles were so much better here too!
If there's a remake of GoW 1 and 2 coming I hope it's more of a visual-only remake and that they don't change a lot.
If you haven't played any GoW game yet please do so you can play this amazing game!!

A very fun game that unfortunately makes you grind sometimes to either unlock main missions or so you have a easier time completing some main ones too.
The open world also isn't that interesting after a while, after a couple hours you'll have seen pretty much everything the game has to offer, it's repetitive but it's always fun. The melee combat is simple but works really, really well! The car combat is also cool although if you don't do some pricey upgrades to it you'll have a harder time so it's "recommended" you grind a bit, I didn't do it and sometimes it was frustrating.
The story starts out very interesting but it quicky loses its gas after a bit.
The visuals hold up very nicely! For a 9 year old game it still looks pretty good on pc at max settings!
Overall, if you want a very fun combat system with an meh open word and story, something to play just to pass the time mindlessly, Mad Max is a fine choice.

Still as good and fun as I remembered. Okay/good visuals, nice gameplay, an interesting story and characters make A Way Out a really good co-op experience. Replayed it with my gf!