13 reviews liked by mingusdingus

Ultrakill feels like it was developed entirely in one night by a dude who snorted a bunch of cocaine, kept saying "you know what would be really sick?" and was right every time

I think about this game at least once a month



What an absolutely brilliant game. Fantastic characters both in headspace and out, with fun turn-based combat and some of the best emotional writing I have ever seen not just in games, but in media.

Help me I have 500 hours in this game and that does not look to be slowing down anytime soon

You can get shot at by old men in minigun-adorned-wheelchairs, 10/10

Grown adults try desperately to write believable teenagers and constantly fall flat on their faces: the video game

This is such a nothing game. The characters are nothing, the world is nothing, the story is nothing. It has literally zero reason to exist.



I'm asexual so there's proof that this game isn't just swaying people to like it with its sexy character designs

Why did they put Clementine as a sidekick and replace her with a boring and uncharacteristic protagonist? The game already starts wrong there