9 Reviews liked by mjlikespizza

Revelations was such a great game as well! I love old Ezio with a slightly greying out beard, swoon!

We all know the story of Batman, but Telltale made it their own with this fantastic story rich adventure game. As any telltale game, the game unfolds in an episodic fashion, where each of the five episodes have 6 chapters. The game is based on Bob Kane and Bill Finger's Batman character, though not tied to any previous adaptation of the work in film or other media.

The gameplay here is pretty much what you would expect from Telltale with a little bit more of an emphasis on action. There is also a huge emphasis on Batman's detective side, which really makes this game shine. You can change how Batman in your game acts during certain scenes and some choices have different outcomes. There is also great character building with known characters from Gotham.

Games like this make me miss Telltale. Even if the gameplay is pretty average, the story is something that will get you hooked in no time! Absolutely amazing game, and I definitely recommend this to anyone who is a fan of batman or telltale games.

Wow this one has staggering high highs but very low lows.
The main plot starts out well enough but really meanders as soon as you unlock the central hub area and the cutscenes fluctuate from pretty good laughably unpolished.
Furthermore, the gunplay and stealth are never given the right area to thrive in as the game implores you to stay out of sight and pick them off one by one but the arenas are so small and the AI so lacking that you end up getting seen and partaking is the stiff feeling gunplay.

However, this game also has the greatest highs of the reboot trilogy namely in the challenge tombs. Every one I found was an absolute treat, and there was a lot of 'em. From climbing derelict ships to raising/lowering the water level whilst avoiding deadly piranhas. It's honestly shocking how much good content an average player who doesn't do much exploring will miss.
While 2013 and Rise took me two sittings to finish the story and challenge tombs, this one took me from around 5 days to a week. This gets longer when you factor in the fantastic dlc tombs which have been made free, at least on PS4.

It's far from perfect but the good sh&t is so much fun that I hope the team continues to build and improve till they make something so good that people can no longer write these games off as Uncharted clones.

Liberation tries quite hard and it's an amibitous attempt to recreate a full-fledged Assassin's Creed experience on a handheld, but it falls a bit flat. Part of this is down to its three main world areas being either dull or finicky to explore, and the lack of engaging content outside of the main story doesn't help either. Aveline is an intriguing protagonist as she exists in a powerful liminal space, existing as an Assassin but one who struggles with her mentor, a member of the nouveau riche in a society that wants to ostracize her for her race, and as a free woman when every other black person she meets is enslaved, but the story doesn't make effective use of this and prefers to focus on a tepid iteration of the usual Templars v Assassins conflict.

The second game was what should have been a one in a lifetime moment. A monumental achievement in gaming history that would take decades to replicate. Mass Effect took a few years and did it again. They took everything again that made 2 great and made it GREATER. This is the finale of the trilogy (and at the time of reading, the shepard story). But they took all that and ramped the emotional moments up to a 10. This game will make you think, it will make you question, and you will discuss it over and over, the ethics, the dilemmas, and how they closely relate to our real world. Thank you for this game and this series. It changed my life.


Well, now I feel empty.

GTA IV is a game I've struggled with for a long time. I've been playing it on and off for almost 3 years now, and today I finally finished it. (I got my least favourite ending, sadly.)

The story in this game is an obvious 10/10. I haven't played many games that tell a story this meaningful so well. However, the game design can be very frustrating at times. Bad AI, no checkpoints, mediocre driving...they don't ruin the experience, but they make it significantly worse.

It's still a great game despite its many flaws, and I would recommend it to just about anyone. I mean, it even made me cry a bit. Overall, GTA IV is a phenomenal game, but it leaves a lot to be desired.

Connor is as stale cardboard but has his moments. Haytham is the true protagonist he makes you believe in the templars and their motives. the parkour overhaul is very appreciated however combat takes a big dive in complexity.