This DLC was alright.
Aesthetically, the park is very very cool. The aesthetic of Fallout 4 in general is great, but I think they really excelled in the Nuka World park and everything in it.
It's fun to be able to play as a raider; it's a welcome change from the sometimes monotonous factions of the base game. Unfortunately, the main story is kind of forgettable and some missions feel repetitive, a lot of: go to this building and kill whatever's inside, or fetch quests.
However, this is a solid DLC with plenty of content. Gage is a nice addition to the companion list + being able to turn the previously established settlements into raider camps is a nice addition to the game, something new.

Honestly, I enjoyed this game, played some of the DLC and have over 100 hours on it, but I agree with many of the criticisms it normally gets.
Fallout 4 is a first person shooter, and that's pretty much it. Gameplay wise it's very basic: you shoot and loot. They improved the VATS for sure, but like its predecessor, that's the only thing that distinguishes it from any other random FPS.
I appreciate that they tried something new with the settlements, but it felt a bit half-assed. You can't remove/delete most pre-exiting structures and garbage without the help of mods. Building actual buildings is doable with the limited tools they give you, but they look awful no matter how hard you try. I've seen people build cool, detailed settlements on PC with mods, but on console the mods only go so far.
Story is OK. Some characters are actually well written and memorable (unlike in Fallout 3) with good side quests, like Nick Valentine or Hancock. I also really enjoyed the whole plot surrounding the synths and whether or not they should be considered beings/have rights. It's an interesting debate that very much has the potential to become relevant IRL sooner or later.
The main plot is very meh unfortunately, though there are a couple interesting missions that give some depth to the characters. A kidnapping and murder, the events that are supposed the fuel the Sole Survivor the whole game, fall kind of flat in my opinion. You, as the player, meet these people for 1 minute at the beginning of the game, you're not gonna care about what happens, there was no time to warm up to them.
There are many inconsistencies and plot holes throughout the story, that much is obvious a few hours in.
Nonetheless, exploring the Wasteland and going through the story can be fun if you recognize the game's limitations and don't try to make it more than it is. If you're expecting a deep, fleshed out RPG, Fallout 4 ain't it.

The best game of the trilogy and one my favorites.
I think it improved on the first game in practically every aspect, gameplay included. However, where I think the game really shines is in the writing of the characters and Shepard's relationship with them. The loyalty missions are great, and getting to know each companion on a deeper level adds a lot to the game. The romances are surprisingly fleshed out too, with several characters available to choose from.
Overall a good game, a great RPG. Most missions are action-packed, the final one is cool as shit.
Soundtrack is also very good, but that can be said for any of the ME games.

I played the Mass Effect trilogy rather recently but I really enjoyed this game, mainly because of the story, the characters and the fact that the choices you make actually matter. The gameplay was my least favorite part tbh, it felt a bit clunky at times, but manageable.
This trilogy is a classic though, and all the games are definitely a must play for RPG enthusiasts.

Great game. Naughty Dog took everything Uncharted 1 did well and made it better.
The opening sequence! Do I need to say more?

The Fallout universe has so much potential, but Bethesda doesn't know how to harness it.
The writing on this was... OK (I think better than Fallout 4 still). Contrary to some, I actually didn't mind the initial sequence in the vault, but other than that... it was subpar. I cannot think of a single character and their name, so do with that what you will.
The game looks awful imo. It's a 2008 game, sure, but there are other games that released that same year or before, that look better visually. The combat is fine, I guess. I gotta commend the VATS though, because it was something new and original to introduce in 3D at the time.
For someone whose first Fallout was this one, I feel like the game didn't expand much on the lore of the universe as it should've. I feel like Fallout 4, with all of its flaws, delivered on that front at least.

I mean yeah, Uncharted is a Playstation classic and introduced one of the most iconic game characters. It's a solid game.
Story is pretty good, the characters are likable. The combat sequences can become a little repetitive, but it IS a 3rd person shooter after all.
Don't know if this game in particular, but the trilogy in general pioneered movie-like action sequences in games. So, thumbs up!

I love everything pirates so I might be biased, but this is probably my favorite AC game.
Edward's a decent protagonist, it's almost a shame that he was relegated to only one game. I would've liked to see more of his life, especially towards the end, and his relationship with Haytham (his son, who eventually becomes a Templar and has a big role in other games of the franchise). Nonetheless, they achieved a good arc for Edward throughout the game. The ending is touching and makes sense for the character he has become.
As in other AC games, if you're a history buff, it's interesting to cross paths with historical figures and see how the writers incorporated their stories to fit with Edward's. Characters like Blackbeard are likable and you warm up to the new ones easily, like Ade.
The sailing we got in AC III was fine, but this game expands upon it very well. The combat and the parkour are OK. Missions can be repetitive at times. Too many tailing missions, man.
The world is very beautiful and fun to explore. It's nice to just sail around the Caribbean and listen to the sailors sing.

I can't not mention the multiplayer, which was just so fun and original, and unique to AC. From my understanding, it's a general consensus within the community that it was great and everyone really enjoyed it, so it's a big shame that Ubisoft didn't go any further with it.
They greenlight a bunch of multiplayer projects within the studio that literally no one asked for and are bound to fail, but the one people want, they ignore completely. Sigh, what's new?

Wii classic. Super nostalgic.
Still play it with my cousin on family gatherings. We go to her bedroom, play Mario, dance to the soundtrack and talk shit, instead of hanging out with the fam in the living room.
We're both in our 20's.

DS classic.
World 8-1 with the crowbers is annoying af tho.

Definitely my favorite GTA.
The story is great, but by far I think the darkest. Niko is a conflicted character: having seen and done awful things during the war in Eastern Europe, he goes to the US to "follow the American Dream" at his cousin's behest. Needless to say, he quickly discovers that that is all it really is, a dream, something that doesn't exist, and is forced back into a life of crime. That's where I think Rockstar excelled: showing the flaws of American society (and frankly western society in general).
As they so elegantly put it in the game's official description: "(...) reality is very different from the dream in a city that worships money and status, and is heaven for those who have them and a living nightmare for those who don't."

Liberty city feels alive y'know, pretty much the same as NY: bad drivers, out of pocket NPCs, the likes. Graphics are... 2008 graphics. Only thing I can point out is that visually, the city is gray and dull, but then again, have you been to NY? It's literally like that.
Gameplay wise, it doesn't hold up, especially not when compared to GTA V; the cars kinda drive like boats and the shooting is... eh, but c'mon the game is 15 years old.
The dates + dating website features are also fun to mess around with.

Only played this game once, awhile ago, but it left a positive, lasting impression. One of the best AC games imo.
Nothing tops the setting: peak Renaissance in Italy, and the story is full of recognizable historical figures, especially exciting if you have studied this time period and are aware of their backgrounds and feats. Ezio is a well crafted character, one we see be born, grow up, mature and eventually die across his trilogy, which no doubt makes him one of the most loved and iconic protagonists in games.
I can't say for sure if the graphics and gameplay of either the original game or the remaster, hold up, but I believe it's a game still worth playing today due to its great storytelling and how it expands on the AC lore.

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Honestly, it's probably me and not the game, but Detroit: Become Human made absolutely no mark on me.
It's fine, fun even with the choices and all, but the story didn't speak to me at all. Maybe 'cause I don't believe machines should have rights? Should they? Idk, it's a complicated subject. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. In 20 years. lol
Anyway, Hank killed Connor in my game, I've heard that makes me a bad person or something.
I'll probably give it another shot at some point.

A Nintendo classic.
The tennis game has a special place in my heart. Do that shit for an hour and see if it isn't a good cardio workout.

A solid remaster of a classic.
Got it and played it before Part II in 2020 and played it again before the HBO show released this year, 2023. Still holds up.