Goddamn it's been 10 years since I played this game. Wtf?

It was good. I was a huge fan of the PS2 Tomb Raider games, so getting this one once it came out was a no brainer.
Story is good, gives a much needed fresh take on Lara, introduces solid new characters, everything that a reboot should do, I suppose.
Gameplay is great, I love playing with bows in videogames for some reason, so this was fun. The world is... nice? to look at, albeit always kinda cloudy and rainy, but that makes sense for the plot.
Camilla Luddington does an amazing job as Lara, really great. Emotional and raw performance that really stands out. She was a great choice.

I mean, it's a classic.
Still play it on my Wii nowadays. Great for parties too: make teams if you're more than 4, make up some drinking rules and it becomes even better.

Played this a WHILE ago, but remember enjoying it. Maybe if I played it today, as a 24 y/o, I'd feel different about it but yeah, I'll choose to remember it as a good game. Angsty and teen drama focused game, but a good game nonetheless. Choices matter, the story is fine and the performances are solid. Visually it's nice too. The soundtrack though! Ugh so good! Still listen to it to this day.

A good 4th and final entry to the Uncharted series. Solid story, and Sam, Nate's brother, was a great addition to make to the world; well written and actually added to the story and Nate's background. Graphics are good as always, the world and characters look beautiful and it still holds up today.
Overall a great game that gave the characters closure while still leaving some room for more games in the future.

Truth is, I had never played a Metal Gear Solid game before, despite being somewhat familiar with the games and Kojima (I had to do a paper on Metal Gear for uni in 2018), and I gotta say I really loved this game. Imma be honest, it's very intimidating to try and talk about this purely because of the sheer amount of lore of the MGS universe so I'm gonna keep it short and sweet.
Story was great. Obviously I'm ignoring the whole 'Konami being assholes to Kojima and not letting him finish the game' thing. I think what we got was amazing, and I'm just incredibly sad that we didn't and probably will never get, a proper ending, or any other MGS game with Kojima at the helm. I mean, never say never, right? One can hope.
The Boss says like 5 words the whole game, but somehow conveys all the emotions you need him to. The story gets surprisingly emotional at times too, which is a good thing because it humanizes the characters, especially the Boss.
Gameplay was great too. The stealth is fuuuun and smooth. Fultoning soldiers for no reason is also fun.
Also, did Kojima need to put credits at the start of every mission? Because it's giving very 'Produced by Hideo Kojima, written By Hideo Kojima, directed By Hideo Kojima, starring Hideo Kojima' vibes.

I mean, an instant classic. There's not much to say that hasn't been said already.
Probably my favorite game ever. It has a very special place in my heart.

Wooo, I didn't think I'd love this game as much as I did. Obviously I had high expectations because Kojima, but wow!
I for one really enjoyed the gameplay, but I totally understand that it's not for everyone. Walking simulator IS half right. The world is very beautiful though, so carrying packages on your back across the country isn't the worst. The gameplay mechanics to deal with the BTs feel original, which was just great. It's good to feel like you're playing something that's actually fresh.
The story is well... weird and beautiful and emotional, with great performances. Norman Reedus is a solid lead, but I gotta give it up for Léa Seydoux and Troy Baker. Mads Mikkelsen didn't disappoint either.
I do feel a bit conflicted with Kojima's tendency to use Hollywood actors in his latest games. Sure, they are good actors and games are a medium as much as any other, but I feel like voice actors and performance actors are already so ostracized in the industry, that Hollywood 'invading' this space as well might just make that worse.
Kojima IS a genius though, I become more and more certain of that with each release of his games.

This review contains spoilers

OK so yeah, this game was controversial because Joel died and they make you play as the chick who killed him.
I think Joel dying was inevitable. If you look at these characters objectively, they're all shitty people, a product of the world that surrounds them and they've had to adapt to sure, but shitty nonetheless. Joel did awful, selfish things and it was all bound to catch up to him at some point. Abby killing him out of revenge, and Ellie going after Abby again out of revenge was obviously to illustrate how vicious of a cycle that is, and you know 'Revenge Bad!!'. I get it, you get it.
My problem with this game isn't the message that it wants to preach, or Joel's death, or even that you have to play as Abby (though I felt like her portions of the game were too long.), it's more that it's almost impossible to feel any kind of empathy for most characters with the way the story is told. Abby and her 'friends' give us like, nothing. This is also true for Dina and Jesse on Ellie's side. Did you feel anything when Tommy killed Manny? When Ellie killed the pregnant chick? I didn't.
Meanwhile Tess was a side character too and her death had a huge impact.
I feel like they wanted you to feel attached to these new people, but it's hard when they're barely on screen therefore are not expanded upon enough, and the fact that they helped kill a beloved character doesn't help. You play with Abby for hours, but she literally killed Joel!! How are we supposed to feel for her? Even if she had her reasons? Maybe if they had switched the order and introduced Abby & Co. first, in a different context and made the player warm up to them, and LATER had her kill Joel, it could've worked better? Idk.
Even if it was exactly the point, I do think it was kinda tasteless to force you to fight Ellie as Abby tho
Anyway, I can't help but admit that this game, despite the ~heaviness~ of the story, is very fun to play. Gameplay wise wooo it's good. They built upon the first game so well, and it is very very satisfying to play.
Needless to say the graphics, acting and soundtrack are pristine.
Despite its flaws, it's still a solid game and it gives us and these characters some closure. I think that's better than nothing.

Good game, a classic.
Great story, acting, gameplay, graphics... C'mon, everyone knows how good this game is by now lol

This game was very good, can't wait for the sequel. New take on Spiderman/Peter and his story and the other characters that we all know and love also felt fresh. Great acting too. Super fun to play overall, I could swing around Manhattan for hours tbh.
Yeah, literally nothing to point out. It's a good, solid game.

Yeah, giving 3* to a game I mastered and have over 180 hours in is kinda weird, but if you know anything Cyberpunk 2077, its development and subsequent release, you know it was all far from normal.
Truth is, I loved this game. I loved the story, the characters, and I loved Night City. That's why I keep going back to it and why it pains me that many people didn't get to enjoy the game at its full potential. I was lucky and managed to play on my base PS4; 'only' got a couple T-posed characters here and there, some glitches, but nothing game breaking besides the crashes every 4 hours or so.
I know the game is in a good state now, 3 years later, but I'm sure all of us can agree that it should've been this way at release, so I'm not gonna get into that and why it's problematic that this is becoming normalized within the industry.
I just have to mention certain features, or rather lack there of, of the game at release that for me and anyone with a brain are baffling.
Like, no way to alter V's appearance after starting the game. ????
Is it just me or, and as 'simple' as it is, that should be something guaranteed in an RPG, even in a first person one? Something as simple as adding hairdressers throughout Night City, while keeping ripperdocs for face/body changes would add so much to the world and to the player's immersion. Also, no way to change tattoos/add more (even after updates).
No clothing preview ???????
If you didn't: buy something, made V wear it, realized it was ugly/didn't fit as you thought it would and reloaded a save before you bought it, over and over until you found something you liked, did you really even play Cyberpunk at release?
The unfortunately shallow romances were disappointing, and don't even get me started on the wanted system and police.
Nonetheless, the game does shine on the storytelling and world building. And I can't not mention the characters, very well written and acted, human, flawed, some of them raging assholes that somehow you still get attached to. This is what made the game for me.
And although I can usually get past basic gameplay and outdated graphics somewhat easily in favor of the story, Cyberpunk 2077 made me question if it was worth it at times, make no mistake.
Anyway, I loved it and will probably give the DLC a go once I have money to buy a PS5, though I do not blame those who won't.
And remember kids, don't pre-order games!

I mean, is there anything to say about this game that hasn't been said already? It's Rockstar, it's always good.
Though I think the story is just fine, especially when compared to other entries in the series such as GTA IV or San Andreas.

GTA Online was revolutionary, and I spent many hours on it when it first came out.
Picture this: you're 15, it's summer in 2014 and school's over. The sun is out because it's 6 a.m., but you're just now going to bed after playing with friends for hours, talking through skype. It's warm, you don't have to worry about rent and you're happy. Life's good.
We had no idea what was coming did we? lol

Beautiful game, both in story and world. Probably one of the best if not THE best game of the last decade imo. If RDR2 isn't videogames at their greatest, I don't know what is.