I mean, its a really well made and stylish JRPG. But the story is mediocre and the lack of SP items made the game extremely difficult, even on easy. Still pretty good, though.

Played in the early early tests before the game even had character models. Was really fun. Played a decent amount of the current build for the closed beta and its even better. Recommended for anyone looking for that competitive itch.

Campaign was a Call of Duty campaign. Meh. Multiplayer is a TON of fun though, and I'm excited for MW22.

This review was written before the game released

Its Overwatch 1. Fun with friends, seriously. But I miss what made Overwatch great. I pay 1 price for an entire live service experience. The events were exciting, loot boxes were easily accessible to earn, but Blizz wanted to make more money. And power to them, they are. But I find it incredibly annoying to not be able to get old cosmetics, especially because I already paid for the first game.

Would be 5 stars if it ran at a solid 30. This is peak pokemon. Its finally back.

Excellent sonic game with amazing music and exciting gameplay. Only gripe are the glitched and bugs but other than that, modern sonic is back.

Really charming but gameplay is kinda trash.

Pretty good. Definitely a step up from ARR.

Wow. Just wow. Compared to the first game this was absolutely nuts. So much to unpack. For a PS2 game this is crazy.

Wowowow. Amazing story. Gameplay was pretty boring in the beginning of the game but by endgame the panel system becomes really interesting. I like how in every kingdom hearts game theres a new gameplay feature added. I dont understand why they didnt remaster this game.

Ive literally been waiting for this game for 3 years and it was epic

Excellent gameplay and mechanics but a bit buggy at times. Graphics were great. Story was a bit eh. Confusing. Endgame was great, though.