polished but kind of insufferable

“Bro, that door’s opening and closing on its own”
gets chased by a baby with a knife

pretty fun game.

Not a platform brawler fan at all unfortunately. Fighting games in general just don’t do it for me. Love what they’re trying here but i’m just not their clientele 🤷

Nostalgic for me but kind of a bad game? Still love it with pals

Lots of fun but always kind of annoying after a while? Feels too random to be a good party game pick for me. Too much wild grabbing and jumping

Primo stuff. I’ll be back. Many times, I’ll be back.

There’s a point, near terminal velocity, where the incentive to keep going peters out.

Good idea. Definitely doesn’t need to be 100 levels long?

Clunky and cool. I get the hype.

Man we’ve come a long way in the technical approach, but I’d love half the heart this game has in a modern project.

fine. I appreciate the idea but it more feels like a gimmick made to match the crank than an inspired use for it.

Easily the best entry in the series. Great to see the team grow in style and substance from a game that’s technically lacking, but overflowing with heart, to a game that’s both technically and mechanically inspired.

Wildly varied puzzle types that consistently require intense levels of communication carry this one into all timer territory. I’d kill for more games like this one.

A real treat.

Really clunky and mechanically deep for a game from this era. I know all about it but this is, embarrassingly, my first time going hands on. It’s a lot of fun to see where the series started.