A technical marvel. I’ll be spending a fair amount of time in this one.

Fine but too easy to get in a loop of 3 words.

Simple and adorable. I have yet to break 100 points.

Great use of space. The puzzles were engaging but never too hard (I do with they had been trickier at times).

Desperately cute.

We skipped every cutscene and would do it again.

Very very very good multiplayer gameplay. Really not a deep game and it really doesn’t need to be. Playing with friends is such a treat.

Directional input on stratagems is such a genius idea.

Retiring this from my actively playing list but I’ll be on here and there with pals. Good game!

Very slow and methodical. Takes its time to breathe. Took me a a while to meet it in the middle.

I really loved learning how to manage the ship without it ever really explaining it. Great game design throughout.

Good but after 20 hours of the same puzzles with very little variety, I think I’m done here. Finished half the game and it was more game than I was looking for with not quite enough game at the same time. Not sure how else to say that.

I just struggle to enjoy this game despite liking a lot about it. The core mission structure is very compelling. Problem solving on varied and unfriendly landscapes is so special.

Unfortunately this game also comes paired with the out of mission menus and navigation of the worst home base ever constructed. That’s before getting to the most heavy handed NPCs you’ve ever been forced to listen to.

Should’ve been a quiet game like Jusant 🤷

Easily the best game that came out in 2023. I was endlessly blown away by the artistry and creative expertise that was poured into this project. What an incredible incredible game.

A few minor and hilarious bugs aside, my singular gripe with BG3 is that I’ve finished it … for now 😉

Tore into this one with a passion as soon as I found it. Pretty easy as far as Roguelikes go (not a bad thing!).

I’m a huge fan of the aesthetic that Aggro Crab cooked up in this one. I’m looking forward to their hermit crab themed Soulslike (Bring on the [blank]likes!!)

wow Gungeon was an upgrade here. Charming roots but genuinely hard to see the screen. Way too jittery to be fast paced.

As my second loop through the game, I had a lot of fun relearning all of the patterns. A good time.