The only scary thing here is the frame rate!

Joking, but I really do find that FPS style games suffer the most from aging. I can still pick up an old platformer or 3rd person game and have a good time but a clunky and jittery FPS really takes me out of the experience (which is a shame because the level design here was really well thought out). Made it a couple of hours in but I think that that’s enough for me :/

Very very sweet. A Short Hike with a dash of classic Zelda. It’s got a lot of heart

I’ll keep playing this on and off. Tons of fun to get back to where this genre got a lot of character from.

Very very very good. Also hard. Will pick back up when I’m more in the mood for the grind.

Really really fantastic use of anonymous online matchmaking. Just fantastic.

Generally fun with and because of friends but gets aggressively samey. The plain gunplay rarely feels like it justifies the length of the game. Randomly generated environments really make the game feel sterile and lack any feelings of meaningful discovery. The essence of go-here-shoot-that.

Massive shoutout to the cube boss in the Labyrinth. It was the first and last time I felt like the game had something interesting going for it. The labyrinth, as a whole, felt head and shoulders above the rest of the game in terms of quality and thoughtful level design.

Clunky but has potential. Will return to it later.

Pretty fun but gets very samey after a couple of hours. Not sure how I feel about the timers on most levels. Probably would have preferred ways to counter alarms in the levels I played.

I enjoyed what I played.

Very very very neat. They did a great job of twisting and stretching the main mechanic in a ton of ways to really get the most out of it while not making it go on too long.

Perfectly fine. Firewatch in space is close to what this game ends up being. It was a little on rails for me but that is the cost of a linear story being told well I suppose.

Perfectly fine but a bit on rails for me.

Very well made but I just can’t reach critical velocity to get hooked.

Really beautiful.

Basically they made the worst part of every linear cinematic game (climbing i.e. uncharted) and turned it into a whole game but also made it good.

The story is great. The swinging is great. The wings are better.

But the constant repetitive and unending combat sections against Kraven’s goons grind my will to live away. I don’t like fighting the same 4 or 5 guys a million times between every scene. It’s painful and so boring. It sucks because it feels like I have to play through these awful combat sections just to get to stuff I enjoy but I’m not sure that just removing the big fights would help the game overall or what they should be replaced with. I have no solutions, I just hate the group fights.

Addition: The last quarter of the game is incredible.

Also somehow they made the MJ sections really work in this game. Instead of a get-caught-game-over thing like they had last time, they just stick in these short resident evil missions into the story for her to play. I’m really happy with how they turned out.