Visually breathtaking. Mechanically dull.

Broken on launch. Finally got into a heist with a friend and it was probably some of the least engaging games we’ve ever played together.

With an over abundance of sequencing puzzles, the trial and error loops of solving them rarely lead to feelings of epiphany but rather feelings of frustration when you find solutions.

I’m still mid game with a friend but not sure when we’ll feel motivated to return and complete our expedition.

The first one was better!

Pretty stunning game. I think I’m about 2/3 through from what I can gather. It’s really an impressive game but doesn’t grip me like the first one did. I’ll probably finish it up at a later date.


Really incredible.

It’s in this exclusive club of experiences akin to Fez / Outer Wilds.

Timer on the moon is bullshit. First timer of the game and they decide to add it at the end where you die because of an arbitrary clock and not from a fight. Stupid game design.

Easily the best game that came out in 2023. I was endlessly blown away by the artistry and creative expertise that was poured into this project. What an incredible incredible game.

A few minor and hilarious bugs aside, my singular gripe with BG3 is that I’ve finished it … for now 😉


Fun. A bit grueling to replay missions a ton before you can continue the later chapters but I get it. Great visual style.

Was fun but we kept getting soft locked in this one hallway with a door that would only open after we rebooted the game a few times. Pair that with the fact that you kept getting kicked back to this hallway if you failed the times puzzle in the next room, and this game quickly becomes a nightmare to get to run. Good puzzles + poor technical quality.

I liked the first one better. Visual clarity is a touch lacking in this one compared to the first imo. Also the UX works for me much better in the first one.

Rolled the credits on my second run. Was expecting a harder game.

Definitely a bit rough as far as production quality (it was a student game) but the concept is solid and the puzzles really do work as intended. Pretty fun if you can look past some lack of polish.