Don’t know why this game got so much hate

My first assassins creed. Need to replay it

Its not really “Assassins Creed” but I had a lot of fun with it

Genre-defining? Sure, but not a game I’ll probably ever go back to

Probably the weakest of the bunch but still good. Also I never got to finish all the content because my save got corrupted and I didn’t want to go through it all again

This game will always have a special place in my heart

If you had siblings you know the pain of being in a bubble for an entire level

Really cool story concept but looking back it wasn’t very memorable

Swinging through New York is awesome but gameplay starts to feel tedious halfway through especially going for the 100%

Meh was fun for the month I played it

My first actual COD. 3 modes that were all equally entertaining

I was a little late to the party on this one so didn’t get to play while it was the newest in the cycle

I somehow managed to 100% this game…

A good remake and my introduction into the series but man I did not care about this story at all