Something the whole family could play to take their minds off the 2008 recession

Subspace Emissary type mode needs to be brought back

An improvement in every way from the previous game

Is this fromsoftware’s worst game? Yes. Is it still a fantastic game that is over-hated due to comparing it to the other games? Yes.

Just about as good as Arkham City

I remember really enjoying this game when it first came out. Replaying it though it feels really slow-paced

The game opted for making space more realistic than fun.

Good introduction for Star Wars into this style of game. Just felt lacking in terms of content

The definig game for Fromsoft. Wish I played it before Elden Ring but it still holds up very well.

The best soulslike from a studio not called fromsoftware. Please keep expanding the “dark fairytale” universe. (Alice in Wonderland would go crazy)

A game you can always go back to but it’ll never be able to reach the peak of chapter 1 days