league of legends with guns (terrible)
2 stars only due to voice chat


great milsim with active playerbase, so much fun when you have a talkative squad
game devs implement player recommendations too
havent tried the new engine, hope it is better and would up the rating

great game, too bad the playerbase is dwindling

if you harvest the little sisters you are evil

so much fun with friends
great gameplay

fun for once in a while with friends but very repetitive

decent puzzles and interesting plot
beautiful environment and setting

disgusting riot games needs to be out of business
game totally ruined after durability patch
+ every new patch ruins the game further
balance team needs to be fired
was not worth getting into before, definitely not now

will always be installed on my phone
however the grind is crazy

nice quick story and trumped by the 2nd but still great

good campaign and great co op

fun pick up and play but gets repetitive