raw ass game for one simple reason: if someone is significantly better than you and beats you repeatedly, you can give up on lame shit like “winning the fight and getting your loot back” and instead focus on fun stuff like “ruining their day and making them log off”. call me a sociopath but more games need this

so much of the charm of the originals has been lost. the simplistic art style has been covered in unreal engine grass that hides all the gems. the animated title screens and cool menus have been butchered. the character designs ripped in half. the skyboxes thrown into a meat grinder.

the biggest crime? actually making me play 2 & 3 as intended, not allowing me to skip most of the backtracking with my badass speedrunner skill.

at the end of the day, it's fine. there's just no reason for it to exist

getting through that endless swamp on a soul level 1 run only to get annihilated by a basic enemy that inexplicably has an attack that breaks block and instakills, over and over again, for hours, only to fall off five feet from the shortcut, is the closest anyone has ever come to murder without committing murder. miyazaki, you live another day.

horizon zero dawn breathes a sigh of relief. a competitor for the title of “worst huge budget huge publisher AAA game” has arrived.

it’s hard to decide the winner (or loser, rather) but this game does have map design so bad it could win awards, incessant backtracking, an incredibly boring story with wood plank characters, combat that consists of pressing L1 until you’re allowed to damage the enemy, hours of modern AAA "gameplay" (it’s auto-climbing), tons of bugs and jank

i usually hate the nostalgia baiting franchises like star wars love to do but this game is so dreadful when the character I knew from the only good star wars media showed up I pointed at the screen, mouth agape, managing to eke out “I KNOW THAT CHARACTER” between happy sobs