does not have the strength of recognizable characters that other Lego games have. who the fuck is Captain Katanga?

genuinely impressive how mechanically unsatisfying this game is even after seven years of development. two stars for Raiden

just awful in pretty much every way. level design is tedious and convoluted, enemies and bosses are either incredibly annoying gimmicks, or they're just comatose and basically let you kill them. story sucks. lady and trish and crazy underutilized, and antagonists have zero character whatsoever. where the fuck is Vergil? Nero is almost cool but unfortunately his primary mechanic feels janky as hell. on top of all that there's maybe a third of actual content. dumbass game is so lucky DMC2 exists

Amazing visual and aural style. Simple, yet incredibly expressive moveset. Stays focused and concise for the whole game. Just peak.

Blah blah blah the minigames suck. Everybody says that. They're right, but honestly, even disregarding them it’s still a lesser experience than Spyro 1. The pacing is awful. There's a seasonal theme to the homeworlds, so you’d think there’d be four, right? Nope, just three, no spring. The second homeworld lasts almost half the game. The third one only has four actual levels and the primary collectable is just abandoned. Instead, you need to collect the lamest shit imaginable, nondescript magic orbs.

Then there’s the backtracking. Constant backtracking to grab the last orb or gems, but only after replaying the whole level, and sometimes even the first part of a minigame to get to the second one. Fortunately, you can use the cool double jump glitch to skip some backtracking, but more often than not the levels don't allow it.

Everything that carries over directly from Spyro 1 is obviously good, like the art direction, OST, movement, etc. The writing is a bit more involved, which I'm not too sure about, but it's mostly funny. Everything else just feels like Insomniac did their best to make the game as tedious as possible. Surely Insomniac won’t make a trend of making an amazing first game, ignore what made it great in the first place, and make a mediocre follow up

Fixes most of the Spyro 2 issues like bad pacing, lame collectables, and the backtracking is better designed and much easier to skip. Seriously, you can skip all the backtracking with a youtube search and a couple minutes of attempts at most. The new characters are more interesting to play than Spyro 2's minigames, the story, world, and characters are more developed, and the levels are overall more fun. Still has some annoying minigames and it probably wasn’t the best idea to add FIVE new playable characters, (maybe add two or three and develop them further), but it’s a good final entry in the series. Wish they made a fourth one that was an actual game. Toys for Bob if you can hear us please save us Toys for Bob

Not often are there inherently bad ideas. Most ideas, given creative talent and effort, can be executed well. Unfortunately, “2D sprite-based isometric Collectathon platformer” is not “most ideas”

only good thing about this game is the clip into the final boss's portal, which lets you beat the game in a couple of minutes. now I can mark it as "completed" without being a lying scumbag

Never seen a game so evil it makes you beat it three times to fight the final boss. Against all odds, worse than Crash Purple

game fucks, loaded with charm. crazy how much they nailed it first try. has sound effects that will never be surpassed in any game ever

Unfathomably important, but the momentum-based physics combined with level design that doesn't really support it makes it pretty lame to play. Fun to speedrun though

Iterative sequel of a mid game, except with overtly malicious level design and nonfunctional gimmicks

So slow, so slippery, so tedious. The picking up and throwing items gameplay loop is just so boring. kind of interesting to play though considering you could fall asleep at any moment

Easily the best NES game, holds up so well. Tight controls and great level design outside of the absurdly long autoscrollers (pretty much the entirety of world 8). Cool ass powerups we’ll never see again like the hammer suit and frog suit. It’s also got this extremely distracting artifacting on the right side of the screen due to the NES’s scrolling limitations that I never see anyone mention. seriously how does it bother no one else

really impressive for a Game Boy launch title. Feels understandably jank but it’s so cool how weird this game and the sequel are