Peak 2D Mario. On top of the fantastic pixel art, music, level design, Yoshi, etc, SMW is just an amazing physics engine. Nintendo mastered the 2D platformer so early that fans have been making romhacks using their framework since

Keeps the weirdness of SML1 while improving the mechanical aspects. fuck the boring ass grass world, desert world, ice world. here’s a big ass tree, a pumpkin, and a turtle

Gorgeous game but the gameplay loop is awful. The game is based around collecting items, but it does everything in its power to make this as tedious and frustrating as possible. Levels are excessively long with some of the worst secrets in the series, the "health" doubles as a collectable, sometimes you have to play as stupid helicopter yoshi, like what are we doing here miyamoto. playing the levels just to reach the end is the obvious solution but this feels boring and hollow

Still fantastic. The camera and controls are fine, grow up. Perfect speedrun game. Only thing that really holds it back is how hideous it is. never seen a decent looking n64 game

How did they manage to make every aspect worse? No analog control, so you have to use a run button and dpad, super awkward control scheme. so much padding as well, with some stars changed to require a specific character for no good reason, and loads of uninspired filler stars

Like eating a sandwich consisting of only white bread and bologna

Replaying this and realizing it has slow and limiting movement feels like a loved one has perished

Loses some of the swag of the first game with its boring and disjointed environments, but makes up for it by having some of the best movement and level design ever in a platformer. Shame about the bosses though they suck

While Crash 2 gets better everytime I play it, Crash 3 gets worse. Former childhood favorite, now drops further and further everytime I replay it. Just way too many gimmicks. I don’t even think most of them are bad per se, just kinda lame and uninteresting. (besides the pura levels :3) Depressing since the traditional levels are so damn good and Uka-Uka and N. Tropy fucking rule

Naughty Dog locked the fuck in and made the greatest racing game of all time. insane. they should've got to meet bill clinton for this shit man it's that good

The AI designer should be locked in a shipping container until he achieves 200% (just kidding!) 4/10 if you aren't a masochist

Has the gimmicky bullshit of Warped with worse level design and movement, but the visuals and OST save it from being bad

Embarrassingly derivative, yet they couldn't even ape Crash 2 properly. God awful controls and level design with boring rail shooter segments. Good to know Vicarious Visions was always incompetent

A bit better than the last because it’s at least mildly original in some aspects, but retains everything bad

Crazy how much worse this is than CTR yet it still clears most Mario Kart games. It's decent, just a bit slow and not as tight