26 reviews liked by nobleman

it's fucked how they were able to take one of the lamest aesthetics ever (gothy victorian sewer town) and make it the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

a game so good it's the best game on two separate platforms.

this game is like if jodorowsky listened to every bjork album at the same time and then said, declaratively: "i deeply respect the US Postal Service"

Link tearing through the lands of Hyrule on the shit that killed Shinzo Abe

You guys spent $70 on Bad Piggies

I will forever appreciate Rockstar for attempting the most advanced face recognition technology in gaming for that period while picking exclusively the worst possible candidates to be used as reference.

Bo Burnham really outdid himself with this one!

the godfather if the godfather didnt have a godfather in it and was just a mafia movie about two buds who love each other and kiss

bestowing myself the honor of writing the first review for this game on here and i just want to say one thing: this game was the blueprint for what the last of us: part 2 tried to depict. everything this game sets out to do, it fails miserably, but you can't play this game without getting the strongest feeling that this game desperately wanted to be more.

i salute you, ubisoft shanghai. you did this when no one else could

mercifully, i watched someone else play it. pretty much the horror game equivalent of the norm macdonald moth joke, mind you i dont say that as a bad thing