I will never understand what people see in playing the same stages over and over and over again just to make minor progress. This is my first and last roguelike/lite game I think I'll ever play. Real shame too because I was drawn to the art style and combat, but that wasn't enough to carry it for me. Oh well.

Almost everything I loved about the first game is gone here. Dark atmosphere, witty dialogue from the Darkness, badass soundtrack all gone for a clean, sanitized comic book-esque look. It's short and sweet I guess? I dunno, not worth your time even if you enjoyed the first game in my eyes.

One of the most generic racing games I have ever played.

Man... This was the only gta I hadn't played yet and what a ride it was. Expanded on a few things I liked about Vice City (business management, for example). Just had to knock it for it's last few missions which were pretty frustrating. Real shame this never made it to android/iOS or modern consoles/PC like Liberty City Stories did, which I feel is the inferior title.

Most underrated game of 2019 and now 2021.

Controls are a bit cheeks but I gotta say it's faithful to the original, definitely check it out! Looks gorgeous, super unique game.

Got filtered by the forced stealth section in the office, real shame too because I was loving the writing and gameplay up until that point. Has problems on Windows 10, even with fan patches so be aware of that. Make sure to lock your fps to 60 if you have a high refresh monitor like I do, the cutscenes will be broken otherwise.


What to even say? Even with all of the quality of life improvements over the original (weapon wheel, ADS, sprint), it falls flat on it's face. The gameplay is jank, many animations are stiff, you feel like you weigh 300 lbs, gunplay isn't fluid. There really isn't anything nice I can say about this game outside of, go play the original with the widescreen & HD patches. Much better experience overall. Avoid this like the plague.

How long can humor carry a game? The levels are far too long and the game itself is far too long, should've been 4-5 hours max but instead runs double that time. The cutscenes are really funny but getting there is a slog. Pass.

It's like diet-Max Payne with really spongy boss fights, fun for a single playthrough. Online is dead on all platforms.

Repetitive as hell, play the original or VR if possible instead.


yup, Quake III was a good game.

Still really fun if you apply some of the fan made patches and audio fixes, however you better be ready to smash that quicksave key often. Lots of unseen grenades, hard to see/hit enemies & trial and error gameplay. Totally acceptable for the time, but just be aware of that when you decide to check it out.