Full series video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naNHKIJwlRs

This game is a visual nightmare, the screen is so cluttered with objects it's hard to see what's happening. The action is constantly broken up by poor mini-games that essentially are nothing more than mindless button mashing or simon says. Skip this one.

Full series video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naNHKIJwlRs

Viewtiful Joe 2 takes the formula from the first game and adds plenty of quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, I felt that the boss design wasn't as sharp as the first game and it didn't leave quite as large of an impact on me.

Full series video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naNHKIJwlRs

Viewtiful Joe is full of action, style and is all-around a very unique title. I love this game, even if the Magnificent 5 was one of the hardest levels I've ever played in a video game.

Pretty much the same as Sniper Elite 3 and 4, but Invasion mode is a blast and I'm really enjoying that aspect of it. Shame the game feels so unpolished, with invisible walls and solid bushes everywhere.

Full video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1UASDrGg5U

Pariah in my eyes is the worst of the Halo "killers," not only was it a commercial flop, it was also a terrible game. Frame rate issues, poor gunplay, a thin story and bad vehicle combat all plague this title.

Full video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is-oatnDUvo

Cold Winter has an awesome story, paired with impressive physics and a badass dismemberment system. Unfortunately, it's PlayStation 2 exclusivity holds it back from greatness. Fingers crossed we get a remaster at some point!

My anti-virus kept flagging the exe as a virus and kept deleting the installation.

After playing the game I now know that it was trying to save 30 minutes of my life, thanks nod32.

Full video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrIYDCPOb_c

Nightmare of Decay is an amazing throwback to 90's survival horror and my sleeper hit of 2022. Sure, it doesn't always click, but when it does? Gold.

Full video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qz-IgSBado

Trek to Yomi is a beautiful game that you should check out. It has a crazy amount of atmosphere, immersive sound design and a pretty cool plot. Some people are going to point to the game's short length, and while yes, it is about 3.5 hours long. I do believe that the visuals, gameplay and sound more than justify that price.

Full video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykB2KCoaZM4

A highly influential, but flawed game. It generally laid the groundwork for Gears of War, Uncharted and other third person cover shooters going forward. It's completely forgettable beyond this for the most part. At least the soundtrack was made by the same guy who did the music for Invader Zim, so that's cool.

I had fun with the game early on, but as the bugs and crashes piled up, my frustrations did too. The game becomes a slog by the end, Friday is the worst day by far. Maybe it'll be a 3/5 if they fix the bugs, but I doubt it. They seem more intent on making weed jokes than releasing a competent product these days.

Full video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wjpq3lAd36U

An awesome mashup of horror and the wild west, what's not to love? Solid combat, morality system that unlocks vampiric abilities and two different endings. It sinks a bit in the middle, but thankfully it picks up right after this.

Full video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXqYw7uefR0

A short, exciting romp through the desert that had me grinning from ear to ear my entire playthrough. 100% worth it if you can find it cheap.

Full video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QEZg29QMFA

50 Cent Bulletproof walked so 50 Cent Blood on the Sand could run. Really not worth your time or money these days, just skip it.

Full video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu5GGT-KS48

Really enjoyed my first playthrough of this game, very little issues with a ton of upsides. Beautiful from front to back, with great dungeon design and a sprawling open world.