Hours: 25
Platform: PS5
Difficulty: Completed on Very Hard

Not bad not bad, had some amazing visuals. Combat was a little simple. Dont go for 100% on this one, i was like 70% through and was getting super burnt out.

may have enjoyed this a bit too much because ive been playing a lot of shit lately

Hours 4.5
Normal Difficulty
Good Ending

This game wasn’t bad, I expected more horror though. It was like resident evil except all of the zombies wouldn’t shut up. There was a few light scares though but no jump scares if I remember right. Gunplay wasn’t great and you can just run through the game with just the wrench anyway

Need to finish but 5 stars absolutely already. No doubt about that.

Game was great, enjoyable, and fun.

Despite being kind of short, its jam packed with creativity and for sure my favorite 2D mario game. That being said it falls a bit with difficulty. I dont need the game to be difficult, but all of the hidden collectables being super easy to clear as well is a bit of a letdown. I rarely ever felt rewarded for exploring since most of the collectables are in VERY easy to spot places.

100% the game in less than 20 hours, I loved my time playing and had a smile on my face the entire time, but as soon as I stopped playing my smile went away.

No reason for this remaster, but either way a classic, replayed and beaten on hard, in 7 hours and 30 minutes.


Enjoyable to all hell, and a memorable experience but a very simple and short game

If only anxiety was this easy to tame and was this darn cute.

Had remix 10 song stuck in my head so i replayed the whole game to get there.

Pretty enjoyable roguelite, albeit it is a bit easy, got to the final boss on my third attempt while playing solo and cleared the game on my 4th. Maybe it will increase in fun with subsequent replays and when I unlock new gear so we'll see

Bro what. This is what y'all are playing nowadays? I literally cant say more than that... just wow.... embarrassing

Graphics- 1/10 Just blank default textured walls and art that couldve been drawn by a 6 year old.

Fun- 0/10 There is no inkling of fun in this game, it actively hurts at times.

Story- 2/10 There is some semblance of a story but its not particularly interesting yet.

Replay value- 0- This game is a waste of time on a first playthrough, let alone a second.

Cost/Value- You could give this to me for free and id still want my money back, so 5$ is a rip off.

Game length- About 1 or 2 hours

Who is this game for- Mindless idiots and kids who just buy any new horror game a youtuber reacts to in a funny way, and those who like shitty discount "mascot horror" games, and I guess the people who play this for a meme or whatever.

- While this game is not as bad as the first game (at least this one sort of resembles a game), This "game" is trash, its a shameless cheap cash grab trying to profit off of other more successful "mascot horrors" like poppy playtime and fnaf.

I am aware that this game also has gotten a huge cult following at this point, I'm not sure if this is because of pure memes, or there are some of you who actually enjoy this no effort garbage, but I'm holding out hope and going to hang in there for better games in the next FOUR that have come out.... but then again 7 games released in a single year kind of proves my point and I don't think I should be holding my breathe for any semblance of quality anytime soon

This game features lame and tame "scares", long and boring sections that seem to go on forever even though this game is only like a single hour long.

Frustrating as all hell parts, collecting stupid birds and walking 30 seconds to put them in the pen, and doing that over and over again until you've just wasted almost 5 minutes getting them all together, the developer thought it was a good idea to put the only door out of there have an instant death hiding behind it. If you aren't following a guide like I wasn't, this just instantly makes you mad since you have to re-catch all the birds all over again

Stupid random parkour section in the middle of the game, the crap momentum based jumping with no room for error is the PERFECT kind of game for a random colorful parkour section in the middle of a HORROR game with no checkpoints

Theres even a classroom section in the game where it takes forever to get back to where you are, and you have to literally sit through all of the dialogue to select the "correct answer" despite it just being complete guesses, there is absolutely nothing to figure out or learn, it's just trial and error, leading to more bloat and unfair and frustrating sections.

Guess ill be back when I play 3, when I get the courage to at least...

This game has nothing in it. Neither did the last game in the series, why am I playing them then? Because I'm an idiot I guess and I wanted to play a popular game from the internet.

This game would've been 30 seconds long if they cut out all of the time wasters like pointless hide and seek parts (this was also in the last game as well), frustrating puzzles that aren't hard, they are just tedious

I cant handle another shitter like this, its more of a game than the first one, but id rather play 10 minutes of crap anyday over this over one hour long version of the same thing but just as shit.

P.s. The voice acting sucks ass, without looking it up I'm just going to go out on a limb here and the developer is the voice of banban and he's just winging it.

Graphics- Not applicable imo, has a good style to the few scenes we actually see, but graphics are a stretch. Closest I can think of is Inscryption, but that's a stretch.

Fun- I enjoyed it, items are pretty broken though, and its mostly luck anyway. But you already knew that going in because its literally roulette

Story- Not applicable, you go to a party, play roulette, go home with money or die. Thats basically it

Replay value- Pretty high, the game is short and can be a quick fun game you show your friends from time to time

Game length- 2 minutes or an hour, depending on how unlucky or bad you are lol

Price Value - Literally only a dollar I believe. I'd pay like 5 bucks for this

Who is this game for- Just about anybody wouldnt be mad with playing this game for a few minutes, its interesting despite being just a simple game of roulette. Its got style like inscryption, but not nearly as deep. But its great for what it is.

Short but pretty enjoyable and memorable experience. Won pretty easy though but its not always so easy.

Don't feel right giving a number to the rating because of the kind of game it is though.

Graphics- Unique visuals, reminiscent of LSD Dream Simulator, and other outlandish games for the PS1. Nothing groundbreaking, but style is consistent and hits the mark of what they are going for

Fun- The game is not very fun, the fun factor is supposed to come in the exploration, there is no combat, and levels are linear with a few secrets. I'm also not sure if the random parkour sections are supposed to be fun either, but they aren't.

Story- It's a dream

Replay value- Once with a walkthrough to find all the secrets, otherwise maybe just for speedruns.

Game length- about an hour long

Price for value- The game is free, so not really anything to say there.

Who is this game for- PS1 era fanatics, speedrunners, explorers. People who like dreams and figuring out the meaning behind them

---Short but cool experience, wouldn't play again though. ---

Graphics- Ass (still)

Fun- Still not fun at all, but there was one part that I actually felt stimulated even a little which was balancing three tasks at once which wasnt bad albeit a tad frustrating.

Story- Getting to the point where they are starting to input some story, and I cant tell if its decent and thought out or just a dogpile of random ideas that they are going to keep adding onto

Replay value- None, still didnt even enjoy a first playthrough

Game length- Maybe about 2 hours now, but half of that is still things meant to artificially halt your progress so you dont get refunds on steam. Long sections of elevator rides, opening 12 doors in a row, bad checkpoints with instant deaths you cant react to putting you back a while.

Legnth for value- Not good enough, this still feels like chapters in an otherwise finished game, being marketed as full sequels. As soon as you beat a "level" it already markets the next one to you.

Who is this game for- I dont even know anymore, but at least the series is starting to get a bit comedic in its tone

I'm genuinely surprised this series has crossed over and away from the half star territory, this is still garbage. But there's some vision starting to sprout out like mushrooms on a stinky pile of trash

The stuff with the jellyfish was unnecessary and boring, jumping puzzles ect. Just a shit series so far

What do I like about these games so far? I didnt mind doing the mixture puzzle, and the jumbo josh club wasnt bad either. Aside from that the rest of this is just unpolished mascot horror with barely any effort still, but hey at least its improving. Maybe by Garten of Banban 20 we'll actually have a good game.