Vampire survivors for people who don't enjoy color

If Nioh were dark souls, then this game is Sekiro

Really fun combat, cool boss fights, lots of little min maxing you can do to make yourself feel powerful.

enjoy the transmog system and being able to respec and change my character whenever.

Difficulty is a bit weak, of all the bosses in the game only 3 bosses i died more than once to and one of them was the first boss since i didnt understand the combat at the time, didnt really get the sense of progress and skill that I usually do in a soulslike unfortunately..

Story is mumble jumble, I admire you if you can sit through these cutscenes, if i forget to skip them Im basically falling asleep instantly while trying to watch them.

But a GREAT alternative to fromsoft games, I fully recommend playing it despite what Ive said, just skip the cutscenes and maybe level cap yourself since the game gets really easy eventually

Cant really give it a rating, this was short but sweet.

Story was pretty interesting for once, and it was a bit of short fun. Only thing I didnt really enjoy is the constant simple but annoying minigames that are all the same exact thing. They pop up every time you answer a question basically, and get old after the first one.

Awesome game, hard choices and lots of death

When you finally get your civ to victory it feels amazing.

A guy with parkinsons tries to put a tiny hat on a lovely ant woman without killing her

This game is fine, albeit a pretty standard action game. But it is a bit of fun. Didn't really feel anything after beating it though.

this aint great, game is 10 minutes long as well

john godofwar and boy go on a wacky adventure to throw a dead lady off of a cliff

id do the same thing too if i found a baddie like blue

This game is fine, Amazing gore system. I definitely think its a bit better than the first one. The game is too easy though, never had any trouble with basically anything in the entire game. Going for 100% and getting a bit bored, but it feels pretty good to play once you get used to it, but Dying light 2 had a bit more in that department. At least this game isnt a slog in the other ways like that game was though. Not bad, not amazing, some fun.

What I expected - A strange bioshock loaded with uncanny valley

What I got - shitty fallout 4 institute path.

Protagonist is an outright idiot, having to be explained things like 50 times in order to finally understand it, and when you finally think he get it, next scene he goes… “wait how can I trust you, they really did this.. to me???”

Speaking of the protagonist, this guy is the most unlikeable protagonist I’ve ever seen, crispy critters isn’t the quirky catchphrase you think it is, it’s just annoying and stupid. His real catchphrase is just cursing for no reason and trying to sound cool.

Story has like 40 twist villains, not very interesting either. Wasn’t anything like what I thought it’d be based on the trailers and I’m even sure at this point I remember a lot from the trailers that I didn’t even see in this game either

IF I HAVE TO SIT IN ANOTHER ELEVATOR FOR 2 MINUTES AGAIN IM GONNA DIE. I get that they are “loading screens” but it’s really frustrating when sometimes when you put your controller down and look at your phone, the elevator starts back up again and then you have to wait another 5 minutes to play the game

Armageddon difficulty is a joke. It’s so inconsistent, at the beginning I had to bump it down because surprisingly it was too hard, but then I got a few upgrades so I put it back up to Armageddon, and then the game felt like easy mode and I rarely had ANY trouble with anything, not even on the final boss which I cleared first try with plenty of resources left. Bullet sponges don’t make good hard difficulties

— what I did like

Looting was fun, vacuum hand was a great idea

Designs for robots were creative

Gunplay was decent

Crafting system for upgrading guns was pretty good


This review contains spoilers

Hours: 31
Platform: PS5
Difficulty: Completed on Very Hard

This game almost had me. I almost gave this a 3 and a half or higher. It really wasn’t as bad as everyone said for a while. The main character isn’t as annoying as I assumed from the FEW clips I’ve seen online so why didn’t I enjoy this game?

Well I played on very hard, I usually like playing my games on the hardest difficulty unless permadeath is involved, but this game made me want to rip my hair out and not in a good way

Eventually bosses just became 30 minute PLUS long voyages to beat, with very boring gimmicks as well. Dying after spending half an hour pressing a single button feels absolutely horrible. Enemies have way too much health on the default very hard difficulty

The map: well from what I’ve heard about this game beforehand, it had an empty map. This couldn’t be further from the case, the map has shit alright… TOO much shit. Good luck to anyone trying to 100% this game because you’ll have to open like 20,000 chests and clear 5000 events, this is the classic Assassins Creed staple, put 1000 things around so you feel like you are having fun collecting

I was actually going to 100% this game out of curiosity. until I decided to do the main quest first and the last 2 hours made me so frustrated and mad I completely gave up. Fuck the final few bosses, especially “the bird”.

The bird is a boss where you have to shoot slow moving snowballs at a target who won’t stand still or flies too far away for you to hit. I didn’t die to this boss, but if I did I would never have finished this game. On very hard this was the most frustrating thing I’ve ever played in a game EVER. And what did they do to follow it up?

A mini boss with double the health as the bird, with 40 wolves around him, doesn’t sound that bad? The boss outheals your damage. Mind you, I already did a ton of grinding in the open world and had all spells unlocked, I was over leveled for this fight and I couldn’t pump out enough damage to consistently get his health down. I used EVERY ability at my disposal. Every attempt took what felt like an hour, and grinding for healing items is absolutely horrid considering I spent hours in the open world and never got enough. so I didn’t have many at that point.

The entire last two acts are so miserable I bumped down the points by TWO it was so bad. Even the story crapped out of nowhere.

All of you feel bad for the cat that was left behind in our world? I am JEALOUS of that cat, because at least he wasn’t in FORSPOKEN.

Upgrading is very frustrating on hard, getting kills with abilities that take forever to charge when the enemies all have 10,000 hp is very annoying to do.

Why can’t I just upgrade the ability, doing challenges for them is stupid.

If I had a nickel for every time a quirky talking thing on my hand in a video game this year turned evil out of complete NOWHERE in the final act and I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.