If only there were more quests like "Through Time and Space" visually then it would be so much more awesome...
But otherwise it's still pretty solid and entertaining game, great story and side quests, characters are well written and fun to interact with, huge upgrade over previous games.

I really wanted to explore all of it, but after I played for a bit I basically abandoned it for a year thinking "well, I will still have loads of time later". And when I eventually started it up again... yep, the timer was over, so I just woke up the king. Still cool

Maybe the real catalyst were the friends we made along the way

The first half resembles GTAV a lot, with its heists and street shootouts, and Kane and Lynch are similar in many ways to Michael and trevor respectively, so I'm pretty sure that Rockstar at least knew about this game. The second half is some messy military shooter, kinda meh, but overall still not bad.

Many things have already been said about how great this game is, but for me one more thing that fascinates me is the feel of loneliness, which is never addressed straightforwardly, but is constantly present throughout the whole game. The moment when Wheatley throws you down the tube just for a minute comprehend that you are at the bottom of some abandoned facility, surrounded by age old constructions and COMPLETELY alone.

This is ok game, but it is exciting as a Hitman series fan to see something so inbetween Silent Assassin and Contracts, from visuals and sound design to some gameplay and stylistic decisions, it's almost uncannily similar to those games.

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Sweet home Alabama

Ties perfectly all the plotlines from previous entries while still being great as a standalone game. Funny, emotional and entertaining. Cried three times during the last chapter.

This is a better commentary on war than Metal Gear Solid

There is literally an Among Us quest in the Dark Brotherhood questline.

Takes everything great from all previous Hitman games and turns it up to 11.

I believe that what the writers intended to do here was to make every single person, from the three protagonists to any other npc, as disgusting, lame and moronic as possible, more than in any previous GTA game. And they succeeded.

This is both the best and the worst game ever.