129 reviews liked by oruorane

we should make this review page the paint drying of backloggd

Looking up what happened to this game after you found it interesting back in 2015 is like asking someone why a restaurant you enjoyed closed down and the said person telling you that restaurant was actually a front for the mafia

(remembered this as part of my 2014 goty list) do you know jack king-spooner's games? He is a prolific gamedev/artist/composer and this is one of his earlier works I quite enjoyed back in the day - I think inspired by his hometown, you walk around and experience various narrative vignettes. lovingly crafted and written like his other works - a great game from 2014 to check out.

what the fuck is wrong with you

like actually

average vn degenerate fan's top 5 vns, the ones that think shocking content means its good and deep and suddenly think they are philosophers because the writers suddenly remembered to put a plot last minute in their jack off material so readers can think it was all calculated and makes sense

this will be Assassin's Creed in 2013

it was about time we took this rotten western formula to defile eastern media as well. it's not bad enough to make you feel disgusting while playing but it's still so utterly bland and dull...
i can forgive the repetitive gameplay and nonskippable dialogue but come on at least let me cut down civillians to get the true samurai experience or something. it does look cool though.

please sign my petition legally obligating anyone mislabelling pizza tower as a "wario land-like" to hereby refer to it as a "sonic rush-like". at least 50% of peppino's dna comes from sonic's bloodline. we cannot stand for hedgehog erasure in this modern society

This was always something I wanted to review just because no one else bothered to give it a decent review. Not even from like the usuals I see on this site. With how much people like to play Kusoge on here, it’s surprising this one isn’t laughed at too much. Deep Blue is one of those PC Engine games you probably know about if you’re aware of the system due to the poor reception it's gotten. I wanted to dive into it to see just how true this all was and what makes it so bad.

With my eyes I noticed immediately the screen size which is oddly small. It’s like letterboxd for some reason. The music and graphics don’t seem too bad so far but it’s when you start playing is when the flaws go in. There’s so many enemies hurling at you, no attacks just collateral damage. The health on your ship is a lot and can regenerate. It’s hard to even move with this big hitbox angelfish ship and before you know it, you’re dead and the word FIN is written on the screen and it’s back to the title screen. Well I sure am excited to play this sea jaunty now am I? Let me try again.

You’ll find out those sunfish enemies spit out power ups. The one that’s a green circle is the Pulse Bullet which you start off with and it’s a rapid fire shot but is the weakest of the bunch. The one that’s made of bubbles is the Bubble Beam which shoots out a stream of bubbles like a laser beam but you’ll need to hold the button to get the most out of it. Lastly there’s the one that looks like wind called Swirl Cutter that is easily the strongest but you’ll need good aim as only one shot can come out. While these are helpful, they can only be powered up 3 times and getting hit just once levels it down. It’s actually best to not use the Pulse Bullet if you can’t master the game or don’t wanna use save states because supposedly from what I read, the game becomes unbeatable with level 1 Pulse Bullet. You can also find Healing Power to heal off any damage you had and lastly a Speed Power to go faster. The manual says you can speed up more than once but I don’t think that’s true. It doesn’t matter anyway because for some reason you start at the slowest speed for each stage. Sadly this won’t make the game much better with this help you can get.

There’s 4 scenes in total you’ll go through which is awfully short for a shmup. This game loves to just throw enemies at you with 0 effort and non-existent level design. It reminds me of playing Earth Defense Force but somehow even that had a lot more thought. There are a lot of fish enemies but I noticed some borrow the same patterns which feels a bit lazy and a lot of them are just not designed well with your size and slow speed in mind. It should be reminded there are no continues unless you know the cheat so while this game is short, it won’t play fair. The sections in the middle remind me of Gradius but feel thoughtless and shallow. There’s also bosses at the end but they are shockingly easy to kill. If you are expecting the same fun a Darius boss can give then you might be insane, seriously stop reading and ask for some help. It's more important. The final stage is also a trash fire as it has enemies that can drop so fast I had to pause buffer but there’s this huge foreground pillar that will screw you over at least once! Once you beat the last stage the game says Next and it loops over and over. No ending or credits here, how lame!

Deep Blue may have some nice looking graphics and decent music, the game however is inexcusable. It does so much wrong and I feel bad for anyone who bought this back then. Though as much as I want to be angry, there is this blog that shows the game probably went through some rough development so in the end it’s hard for me to be really rude and explosive when it’s not really fair. Still the game is really bad and it almost makes me feel bad for hating on shmups like Curse and that’s saying a whole lot. I’m not even sure if you should play this just for the fact it’s Kusoge. Eh why not, give it a try if you’re that curious. I can’t 100% say this game is the worst shmup on the system but it’s probably bottom 3 at least. At least I’ll never have to play it again.

"do you have the time old man?"


lol very good. genuinely disturbing to be just caught in the middle of these two's issues and revelations...funny to just walk off and ignore them... say random stuff.. side with one person over another. Hard to tell exactly how I'm derailing/moving the conversation - but that's also part of the charm. Would be nice if being kicked out wasn't so sudden and if you could reset the game faster.