71 Reviews liked by patendude

Very good showcaase of the playstation 5s power and easy and fun plat

flashy, grimy, stylized as all hell, cotton candy dipped in dirt. barbarella for people who wear the pink cat ear headphones.

Kinda short compared to other 3D Zelda titles. The general pacing is light, and the Ganon fight is really cool, but the Triforce pieces shenanigans was really unnecessary. Another dungeon (you have earth and wind, so why not a sea temple?) would've been much better.
The sea stuff felt really slow in general, you unlock fast travel practically in the midpoint of the playthrough and the fast sail, which is almost mandatory to not go insane, is bought at the auction house that I didn't even know it existed because the game doesn't give you any indication about it. So yeah, I prefer the Phantom Hourglass or Skyward Sword travelling systems over the one from this game.
A couple of other items (ghost ship chart and the cavana papers) are also very difficult to come by unless you were 100%ing the game. I don't mind to search the wiki if I want to look for concrete stuff like getting all bottles or bag upgrades, but being forced to do it to advance the story seems wild to me.

k so listen

I may be one of yakuza's biggest SLOP eaters but even this pig has standards and this game does Not clear it LMFAOOOO my least favourite entry in the series BY FAR


I remember being flabbergasted as the credits rolled and it wasn't for any good reasons either

Complicated feelings about this game, so I won't give it a star rating.

I more than enjoyed the narrative at the time and have yet to experience Part 2, but the inspiration behind the sequel's narrative has retroactively soured my perception about this game.

Regardless, I'm a sucker for the "gruff/stoic dude adopts a child and becomes better for it" trope (Yakuza is one of my favourite game series, after all) so Joel and Ellie's arc was fantastic. The scenes where he saves her still make me emotional to this day...

environmental storytelling goes crazy

fun little game with really satisfying sound design. A common criticism is that it's too expensive for what it is. I disagree because this game is very lovingly crafted and there's so much detail crammed into every inch of this game. Perhaps it isn't a very wide puddle, or even a particularly deep one, but it's a sight nonetheless. It gives you pause; it has you tilting your head this way and that way as you observe your reflection.

Something something I'm willing to pay more for games that are shorter and made in sustainable timeframes something someting

I was kinda blown away by how little I liked playing the game. It felt clunkier than expected.

nearly cried when he got a hat that fit

I will always love playing as any version of Spidey, and I thought Miles was fantastic in this game! The story had some good emotional heft, even if it was short.

My review score would be higher if I didn't have such a glitchy experience though! I had a few crashes to home, and got stuck in a lot of the game's geometry, sadly.

Yakuza 6....what a ride it was! I'm working my way through all the Like A Dragon games. As others have said its the first game on the Dragon Engine and in a lot of ways it shows, combat is fun but can be a little janky and Kiryu feels overly simple in this even with all skills.

The substories in this are alright, theres a few standouts but they are mostly standard, the full voice acting elevates them but some of them are just rehashes of older ones, I honestly don't remember a lot of them.

The side content is mostly good? First you have spearfishing which is an on rails shooter, its fun, really simple once you get the best guns. You have Clan Creator which is offensive instead of defensive like Kiwami 2 its extremly overly simple and boring and probably has the worst achievement in Yakuza 6: 100 wins, its just mindless grinding for the sake of it. Baseball management is alright, but the baseball is a step down from Yakuza 5's which i ended up really loving. Oh and the Bar "minigame" isnt much of a game but its extremely cozy I wish the story of that was longer honestly!

Amon in this one is honestly maybe the easiest in the series, he has an awful instakill attack but...you can just ignore it by staying in extreme heat mode and chugging drinks the second you get out of extreme.

The story this time is fantastic though,really the highlight for me, outside of the main villain who is much weaker even compared to this game's own minor villains who are far more interesting, the cast and plot had me gripped the entire time, this game has some of my favorite moments in the franchise so far!

Worth mentioning that this is my first Like A Dragon game I got every single achievement on thanks to the devs finally realizing nobody wants to put the time to learn Mahjong on top of doing literally everything perfectly, the achievement list in this one was honestly just about right, beat it on legend, try every minigame, complete all the side story content with plots thats it! Excited to start 7!

Does a great job of re-capturing a lot of the lightning-in-a-bottle qualities that made the original Psychonsuts stand out while smoothing out the gameplay. While it may not have the same level of bite as the original, the improvements to gameplay more than compensate. My only gripe is the wonkiness in the combat, but even that isn't super hard to look past.

Just like. very funny and hard. It's difficult to talk about the game because a lot of what makes it special are the little surprises that come out of each stage. I recommend sticking with it though, every time I get to a new boss I think "there's no way I'll ever be able to do this" and then after a dozen or so tries I can no-hit the first phase or whatever. I haven't dug into most of the characters beyond the first, and I've only just reached the 4th level, but it's a good game.

Really really solid FPS campaign!