Bought this game again because I remember playing it at my friend Ryan’s house when I was really little. Glad to say that it still holds up and kicks ass. I tried to txt Ryan the other day to see if he still had the same number from 12 years ago but he didn’t answer so he either doesn’t or he hates me. I would finish this game but it never saves my progress even though I have the controller pak so I give up for now

Awesome. Never realized how much better these games look in the 16-bit graphics. Sorry Mike Matei and SBW64

Really fun but I would not be enjoying this if I wasn’t playing the all stars version lmao

More fun than I expected, kinda rips

It’s really cool but I have to play it on my PC and I really don’t want to do that. I’ll finish it when it comes to Switch or something.

I like this game but no matter what I do, I cannot play it more than 5 minutes without falling asleep.

Okay I actually like this one a little bit

I really don’t know what it is but I just don’t have fun with this game. I did like 3 worlds and I just never started feeling it at all. I really don’t know what it is like it’s definitely a charming game but I just don’t connect to it for some reason.

Man I really didn’t like this game for a long time. The difficulty was randomly frustrating, it has the worst camera in all of video games, and the story and characters were completely uninteresting and bland. But then I randomly got really in the marvel mood so I picked this back up, started playing a shit ton of the challenges, and ended up so addicted. On the surface I can’t even really praise this game but goddamn there must be some catnip in these marvel ultimate alliance games because it completely tapped into my Marvel fandom just like the first one did like 15 years ago. Again, I can’t even say this game is great but goddammit I ended up really liking it.

Oh man no one told me that this game kicks so much ass. This feels like another full classic Pokemon game that I never knew about. Haven’t gotten so addicted to a game in a long time. Great video game. Oh but goddamn the rolls have to be stacked against you lmao. Either that or I am the unluckiest man on earth

Save the animals screwattackgaming stuttering Craig (really good game, I liked it a lot)

Don’t care at all about playing this online. I just want to fuck up CPUs with Yoda. This is still as fun as it was as a kid