I originally played the opening hours of this on the Switch a few years ago, but at the time I thought the game felt a bit 'cheap' and moved on to other things. I sold that game, and now I bought it again for the PS4.

Playing it now with a new perspective (and framerate) was such a wonderful experience. The main focus here is the vibes as this is a very charming and relaxing game. Being a remake of a game from 1995 makes it quite simplistic in design , but that's not a bad thing. It has a good gameplay loop that picks up a few hours into the game when you're finally able to switch classes. I'd say the opening hours are a bit boring at times, but pretty much all the second half of the game was extremely satistying to play through.

Having six playable characters is nice because I can now replay it with a whole new perspective, but at the same time having a story split in so many subplots did a bit of a disservice to the whole story overall. The plot is thin, but it's not the main focus of my enjoyment so I personally don't mind.

I'm so happy I got to play this and I'm super excited for Visions of Mana!

Overall this is a pretty fun and chill game to sit through. I'm a big fan of the Mana series so yeah, this has big flaws but it's up my alley. I'm super excited for Vision of Mana!

Fun game, but I wish there was a bit more verticality to it.

I actually first played this game and beat the original four cases on the Switch version, but dropped the additional chapter for some reason... which I regret immensely now that I finished everything on the 3DS.

Maybe it's just a matter of being in a different headspace, but I appreciated everything so much more this time around. It starts quite slow and a bit uninteresting, but as each case progresses the stories get longer, more detailed and interesting. There's more twists and turns, and the fifth chapter just blows it out of the water.

It's not a five stars because for me this would be impossible / insanely frustrating to best without a guide at times, but once I put my pride aside and looked online for help on where to go next / what to press on during trials, everything was just so much more enjoyable for me. It's partly my fault but at the same time the game isn't always as clear as it should be on telling you where to go next. Either that or I'd know what to present on trial, but I wasn't explaining myself in the way the game wanted me to.

Despite all this, Ace Attorney is a game that I feel an emotional connection with and one that I absolutely adore with all my heart. Can't wait to try the next games! Looking forward to plenty more hours with this series!

A beautiful piece of interactive media that merges the best of video games and art in general, as the games becomes this abstract for of exploration where nothing is said to us, but everything is perfectly communicated through its envorinment. Much of what you do in the game is just press forward, but the game literally becomes an emmersive journey. Either that or it was the weed, but I'm sure it was both. This is a beautiful game, instantly one of my favorites!

I wasn't familiar with the series, so diving into the middle of an already established world with characters that know each other and I know nothing about was a bit overwhelming. But at the same time I'm already playing so many long JRPGs, it's nice to grab something fun I can finish in a week.

The game does a good job at filling in the gaps for new players, I just honestly haven't really sad down to read all that hahahaha.

But where the game really shines is the presentation and gameplay. The combat is so fluid and fun! I'm definitely a fan now and I'll be checking out on the lore to fill in the gaps I still have with the series.

Any person who likes the story and the songs will like this. It's just some relaxing and good fun that feels quite good to play!

This game is very, very simple. Doesn't have a lot of modes and you're just kind of doing a very limited set of things. However, the things it focuses on, it executes extremely well. I really like this game for what it is. Doesn't set the bar too high and by knowing its own limitations it ends up being a really good game. You really can't go wrong with this one. Highly recommended to any Kirby fans or people who just like chill games in general!

A game with fun mechanics that bites more than it can chew a lot of the times. The atmosphere and aesthetic are top notch, and in terms of worldcbuilding this is pretty good... Until you (still) find some weird bug that takes you out of it. Despite this, I still think the gigs give more than enough action in between story segments and some of the side quests are pretty interesting. Memorable characters as well, although some more than others. Now on to the DLC!

Iki Island addressed none of the problems GOT had, and in fact made the game worse. Starting with exploration, the game has a very limited set of walls and cliffs you can jump from or maneuver around. If you try to jump on a rock that the game doesn't think you should climb, the character will glitch in a jump motion and kind of slide off the surface. This was annoying in the base game, it is even worse here. Specially with me coming from TOTK, a game that puts this to shambles.

The boss is honestly annoying and just bad. The last battle is way too difficult for no good reason and the story is just bad as well. The game will throw some throwbacks at you where instead of a cutscene, you just walk around with young Jin for a while, following a character from point A to B. Then, the game starts a cutscene. Why not just put a cutscene to begin with and avoid all this unnecessary walking that adds nothing?

The psychosis every five minutes gets old super fast. You're in the middle of a fight, trying to get into the rhythm of it, and this bs immediately breaks that with repetitive dialogue that's more annoying than anything else.

I played this because it was included in the PS5 version. If not, it's not worth the money.

From an open world perspective, the game is extremely flawed and gets repetitive very quickly. But from an action/adventure perspective that focuses on the main/side quests and leaves exploration as simply a detail, the game is incredible. I like how the ending opens up so many spaces for debate on so many philosophical aspects.

Banger. Played a few arcade modes and a bit of GT, not enough to finish the game or have many cars but the time I've been spending with it is great because it makes me go back to my PSOne.

Controversial, but this is my favorite Doom.

This game marked me and my sister's childhood. A perfect game through my nostalgic eyes.

This is pretty much the only game I play online now. So good!