Best one since the original.
The new setting and lack of cameras was an interesting move, but I feel like it helped the game more that it hurt it.
Though, the listening for breathing mechanic could’ve used a bit of work.

At least the jumpscares were funny

I like that they experimented a bit more and went in a weirder direction for the entire structure of this game.
Though I will say, gameplay-wise, everything felt incredibly tedious. Especially if you failed at any point.
Night 4 in particular was hell.
Otherwise, everything else was alright.

Really simple but incredibly fun!

Never has screaming with your friends over getting a hole in 27 been more entertaining

INCREDIBLE party game

group torture my beloved <3

Rest In Peace Wertpol / Robert Brock.

Throughout the course of this game, the player is stuck within a single room, locked out from the outside world. Their only method of contact is in the form of letters that they don’t have the ability to respond to. This game’s show dont tell policy really works to its benefit. You manage to get attached to characters you never meet, and get a feel for the ruined world that you’re not a part of and also never legitimately see. It builds up this sense of dread and nothingness that only gets worse as you continue waiting for the time to pass and for letters to slowly arrive. The allegory that it’s aiming for is achieved pretty well, to the point where a ton of players have allegedly had visceral depressive reactions to the whole experience.
It’s pretty short, and I’d recommend at least playing it once to have an understanding of what the developer may have been going through.
Though please do listen to the trigger warnings mentioned in some of the other reviews ‘cause good lord this game gets heavy. If you’re prone to being heavily affected by themes of depression and nonexistence then PLEASE sit this one out.

jesus christ
what do you even like,
say after playing this

i almost feel bad giving this game a rating.
it was extremely short and got its point across but

I enjoyed the ‘don’t move your controller’ mechanic. One of the few times in a horror gave where I’ve actively held my breath in fear of shitting my pants.
The dialogue was, definitely something though.

Rami Malek was funny also

It wasn’t as enjoyable as Until Dawn, but it was still alright.
None of the characters really felt like they got any sort of real development. The only character I can even kind of remember liking at any point was Fliss.
Everything about this game just kinda felt rushed. Not necessarily from a production standpoint, but from a narrative standpoint.
If you do play this game, I’d recommend doing it co-op with a friend. It honestly made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable than it would have been otherwise.

While I do believe that Royal is a more enjoyable game all around, this game on its own was still pretty great. It goes without saying that the UI and general visual style of the game is fantastic, and as is with any modern Persona game the OST is as well. The cast was enjoyable, and the story as a whole was interesting (though it did start to falter near the end to me).

Mementos can suck my nuts though god

The artstyle was cute, and I did get a kick out of the fanservice-y character interactions. Though every character here just felt like an exaggerated version of themselves, to an almost annoying degree at some points.
I don’t think the gameplay was as egregious as some people make it out to be, but it did get a bit boring as time went on.

At least the OST was neat :D

Battle Frontier I miss you dearly

I’m glad Atlus tried to experiment more with their storytelling. The puzzle gameplay was fun, and the whole dilemma that the story posed was genuinely interesting. The theming surrounding it all was also done somewhat well.
A lot of my issues come down to personal preference and just not being super invested in how the plot unfolded.
Everything just felt, okay, to me.

Gameplay-wise, I definitely enjoyed this game a bit more than the original. Seeing the game exploring Ultra Beasts a little more was neat to see.
Though when it comes to almost everything else, I think I prefer the original. A lot of it comes down to the story. It’s a Pokémon game so an exceptional story shouldn’t really be expected. However I did enjoy what the original Sun and Moon games did and had fun on my first playthrough. I just didn’t really get as much out of this game.
It was still fun, but I do wish it was a legitimate sequel similar to BW2 as opposed to this weird definitive version of the original games it was trying to be.

Tried to play this game on and off for about a year to get as much out of it as I could.
Everything’s just adorable. From the artstyle, to the villagers, to the OST, it’s all really charming.
That being said, this just wasn’t the thing for me. I enjoyed my time with the game, and this is clearly an incredible series. However, finding the motivation to continue playing every day was something I couldn’t do.

Cube I miss you ;-;

While it was definitely one of the the easiest Pokémon games by far, playing through it still felt fun. Having a mainline game be in 3d was exciting at the time, and having a new battle mechanic in the form of mega evolutions was also neat.
The story and characters were one of the biggest things holding this game back. Nothing really felt all that memorable.

But at the same time this game gave us Aegislash and Sycamore so maybe it’s perfect