eu joguei a campanha com tipo 9 anos e ainda lembro do final mas o game é mt lixo

nao lembro de quase nada preciso rejogar

best shooter i've ever played

o jogo é excepcional até os últimos 20 min de jogo
aquele final não existe

nintendo 64 emulation is the worst thing in existance thank you ship of harkinian ppl!

not enough to hold my attention, gameplay's REALLY dated

pain and suffering all the way through.

poor performance (i played on citra and there were areas that i still dropped fps <30)
overworld map sucks
fire the guy that invented the smirk system
the game will NEVER let you explore, constantly spawning enemies on your feet

but the story's really good

some performance issues along the way (i played it day-one it'll probably be fixed soon) but this game has SO MUCH POTENTIAL bro.

it's so well made for a fan-game it's insane.
soundtrack also slaps.

"oh, the story's kinda interesting, i wonder where it'll go"
gets timegated for a week

"okay i'll just go explore then"
all of the chests have a 5-day timegate

This review contains spoilers

damn beatrice really made battler her bitch in the end huh

TL;DR: just watch the movies instead.

it feels like this game is actively punishing you for doing anything. wanna explore tartarus? your teammates get tired and abandon you. will you just rush tartarus instead without killing that many enemies? now you're underleveled and can't get through the block boss. if you try doing social links without a guide they'll most probably end up reversed and now they don't work anymore.
this game has the worst combat of the trilogy (3, 4 and 5), the worst social links of the trilogy, the only thing that's redeemable of this game is it's OST and story. don't play this game.

stopped reading the VN, it drags on for too long and overstays it's welcome, will continue reading on the manga release.