The story, gameplay, and puzzles were too simple. I really wanted to like this game because of the art and music, but I was always a bit bored after 30 minutes of playing. 9.5 hours in and just can't play further

It's a bit too simple and straightforward. It needs more depth and interesting mechanics. Only 4 out of the 12 racers are real people which leads to a lack of challenge to be first place.

The gameplay is a bit too easy in Chapter 3, while the story isn't captivating enough to motivate finishing the game. Nevertheless, it was a great experience

Singleplayer and multiplayer coop are not even working. This game is literally unplayable

The story is very weak and poorly excecuted. Puzzles were fun but had some puzzles that were a bit strange/not well thought out.

This is the first piece of horror media that I thoroughly enjoyed.

This game is unique I’ll give it that. Puzzles looks complicated but are always a bit too easy. Tries to be quirky and deep but in the end it feels a bit shallow. Still a nice short experience.

This game is so tedious and boring it's insane. Every area is the same 4 enemy's and the difficulty in this game is just to spam more enemy's. I’ve fought the same mini boss 5 times with just the 4 other enemy’s next to it. Gameplay aside the puzzles and map exploration are boring and take no effort as well. The weapons are almost the same at the end they do almost the exact same dps/s. At the end the only thing going for it are the visuals, although they are not incredible either.

Warhammer 3 is now combined with all three games and it's honestly one of the best games i own. can't wait for years of updates and DLC to make this game fresh for years to come.

The most innovative game out there. Every other game I play now I always think: if it would be a bit like Outer wilds it would have been better. Every game element is done to near perfection and it is the most unique experience I have come across. The mysterious world will keep you hooked for hours on end.

I can recognize that this is amazing. Not as good as the base game because of the visual clues with no journal to log it and less story based. The main problem with this DLC is that you can't leave it for a week. You will forget the important clues and need to redo the entire story because you don’t know where the clue was hidden. The log system was great in the main game but not so great in the DLC because you don't have your space craft around and the information in the logs are lacking.