this game destroyed the franchise for me.
without a doubt its the prettiest switch game out there and it looks stunning but i miss the old formula of big temples and the game being a lot more story focused. this seemed more like a try to bring zelda among the mainstream - which succeeded. sadly with this game my love for the series ends as nintendo does not seem to go back from here.

u basically play a fanfiction written by a 9 year old.

peak of pokemon and my favorite game of the series with white and y

outstanding atmosphere and one of my favorite games of all time. no game is like this one

every single hour of this game was amazing

rip. bravely second was an amazing game compared to this crap. destroyed everything the series made unique and good

i cant relate. i loved this game a lot. amazing story that made me hyped for 3 even more and the worlds were amazing. fantasia being one of my all time favorites here.

get this re released plz

gotta rip my hands off to complete this game dood

the medleys are cool but other than that the game has far less songs to choose from than any other game in the series
x tried to give this game a "story" which was a shit idea from the start
also didnt like how the models in this game looked, everything went a lot softer looking and seemed like a filter was put on top of that
yea that was the beginning of the downfall basically, f series remains the best