Playing this on the switch definitely feels like how this game was meant to be played. When played on PC, it felt like a sliver of what monster hunter world was, with changes that didn't make sense, but playing it on a handheld console turns it into a really fun monster hunter game. The faster pace (with both Palamutes and wirebugs speeding you up), the ease of finding monsters, and the changes to how weapons work all feel natural on a switch, creating an engaging experience to hop into for half an hour while on the go.

A lovely game with a gripping story. This is a game best played in a couple of longer sittings so you can have the time to really get absorbed into it. The characters all feel alive, making the choices feel important.

very short and sweet, it's well worth the play for how imaginative the story telling is in it.

A nice step up from monument valley, the visuals and music are brilliant, the story is sweet, the puzzles are engaging without being overwhelming. It's a fairly short game, one that's nice to relax with

Great for short matches, fun playing a hamster in a wrecking ball, just avoid competitive if you value mental health

Really loved Overwatch. Shame they had to kill it for this. (I played off tank)

A fun experience, but it does get repetitive after a while

Really nice non-linear level design, making the game you play feel like your own game. However, the openness of how you play means that the game isn't great for any single playstyle (so no just being a sniper, you'll have to also do some closer range sneaking/fighting). The levels are pretty long , so be prepared to play for an hour or two at a time.

I loved monster hunter world, but just found this game harder to get into. Perhaps because I wasn't learning the mechanics, the fights didn't feel challanging in the right ways. Also, the world felt less alive, meaning I was less inclinded to spend time just being there in the world, enjoying my time there


I love this game more than I should. It's just fun.

This game pulled me into it, and I was greatful it's a relatively short game since I'd have spent too many hour playing it otherwise. If you like games like beholder, you'll like this

Honestly I was just really bad at this game and therefore didn't find it fun.

A great story, I'd recommend this to anyone in the creative industry.

Fun and fast paced, nice fairly short levels, great sound design. This game knows what it's trying to do, does that really well, and doesn't mess about with adding other fluff in anywhere.