379 Reviews liked by playonthesands

terrible pacing where pretty much nothing happens until the last few hours, but the ending is great

This franchise may already have a Sigma, but Zero is the real Sigma Male

a little overrated, but still a good place to start

/pol/ the game

its fun to piss on people lololol

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dante kills a woman(very important) and proceeds doing a crazy sick rock solo guitar with what remains of her(cool&heartwarming)

We usually look for fun and enjoyment in video games, that however is not something you will find in Devil May Cry 2.

If you truly hate somebody, make them play this shit.

The kino factor is too high...

braindead, piss easy game. better if you treat it like a visual novel. fantastic story/characters

Persona 2 fans want you to believe this is the best one as if the gameplay is any good or the story doesn't completely fail to deliver once the actual third reich shows up