379 Reviews liked by playonthesands

Played the shit out of this as a kid. One of the bestest Flash games.

Everything in this series was caused by either an extremely horny woman or an extremely dead child.

"Kazuma Kiryu is my family"


Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction.

Since it seems like no one else has pointed it out yet: please check the content warnings for this game if you're interested in playing it. Avoid this game at any cost if you get triggered by implications of rape, child abuse, sexual harassment, panic attacks, gore/body horror and pedophilia. The writing (and sometimes even gameplay) can be quite iffy to a harmful degree and downright disturbing, significantly more so than other DR games. Keep that in mind while playing. If you plan to get through the whole series I can't say that this game is unimportant enough to skip, as it does add a decent amount of lore. However, should the aforementioned content warnings apply to you, I recommend looking up a reliable summary to read instead, if you don't want to miss any noteworthy elements of the story.

optimal udg experience:
1. turn on the soundtrack
2. play literally any other third person shooter
3. watch cutscenes from udg every 20 minutes

this game sucks

This is easily the best Mega Man collection to come out of Capcom right now. The input lag is nonexistent compared to prior releases, and it does have some great extras like alternate music for some segments and the ability to unlock and use the Z3 ecards. ZX is set up in a way where you can for the most part comfortably use the touch screen even on a gamepad, and there's quite a few options for customizing the experience. The ports themselves run great and if you're on PC you have the added bonus of being able to mod the music out for their cleaner, crisper, higher-quality CD counterparts (look it up!).

The games have always been fantastic - Zero 1 and Zero 4 are considered the weaker titles, as well as the ZX series, but at their worst I'd say they're "fun", whereas Zero 2 and Zero 3 are highlights, well-known for being masterpieces amongst action platformers. Great visuals, strong music, tight gameplay and interesting narratives make up all the games in this collection, so if you want to get into the series this is far from a bad way to start.

Hey guys this is my first higurashi fanfiction there's romance, gore, epic anime fights and pedophiles ^^.

if I was Ooishi I would have intervened

what zero headpats does to a MF

This game is really fun and included a ton of staples of the series. The levels are fun, the platforming is fun, the music is okay but sometimes (especially the later castles) fall a bit onto confusing level design.

But god damn I love this game. It has such a charm that's not too old but not too new and with the theme of it being a theater and all, gives a lot of play with some levels, worlds and settings. Power ups are fun as ever, I still await for the Hammer Suit to come back.