Plot was somehow more generic than i anticipated, which is in itself rather impressive.

Guess i just don't see the point

It was pretty predictable, especially the part with the 2 brothers (the younger ones).

When in doubt, download maps and play l4d2

Written and directed by David Cage.

pls make my cousin stop dancing

Cousin forced me to play bcs too scared to do it themselves. Game sux but at least i got free dinner for playing it.

Stop rerunning the emo guy for the third time this year and give me a kazuha rerun

Insanely well made game with a fuckton of fun routes and quests to go about

Show's ok, game toxic as fuck

I guess the music is nice...

Welcome to the family son- wait, wrong game.

Also played on ps4. Had a weird bug on one of the platforms (idr which) that made it incredibly hard to time quicktime events which lead to a lot of infuriating moments of redoing events over and over and over and over and over... Game has sassy Leon though which saves score a bit B)