61 Reviews liked by poopkaiden

some dude who's favorite game is a JRPG with a 20 minute skit about accidentally groping a girl: "the writing is pretty cringe"

Big Neco Arc Fan Plays Melty Blood For The First Time

This game shows a faint glimpse into a potential future where Sony didn't abandon their own priceless artifact: the Vita.

Agatha Christie rolls in her grave in torment, knowing the funny blue hedgehog received a decently entertaining spoof of her Orient Express.

Why do both portal games end in a song

eating a piece of plain white bread, untoasted

When Nagito Komaeda is not on screen, the other characters should be asking "Where's Nagito Komaeda?"



the framerate was actually intentional in order to convey the inconsistent speeds at which taro’s brain operates

yeah it's alright but I don't think this series is gonna go anywhere



does anyone know when this will come to switch

Truly the dark souls of video games

i think I may have schizophrenia

That's what all you politicians are. Big cock, but no cum.