Life changing experience.
This game was recommended to me by my girlfriend and i thank her so much.

This was incredible.
It’s a shame that the dungeon crawling isn’t as fun as P5’s because the story is just insane.
This game has the most well put together cast of any of the Hashino games, every character gets almost the exact same amount of screen time while in P4 and P5 a party member becomes almost irrelevant after their story arc.
There are some complaints, mainly the repetitive nature of Tartarus, the lack of Valentine’s Day (I know it wasn’t in the original but the remake could have easily added it), the romance options making no sense because there is a clear canon romance option for the protagonist and the quality of the social links: some of them are the best in the series, while others are mediocre or uninteresting.
I also have a few minor story complaints, mainly regarding Strega and Ikutsuki but overall the story was really good (like in every other Hashino game) and it really resonated with me.
Overall this game is a MUST PLAY for everyone who likes jrpgs or anime or philosophy or a deep story about the meaning of life or great characters or great music…JUST PLAY IT!
I feel really bad not being able to give this one five stars but the dungeon crawling sometimes felt too repetitive and easy, which made me a bit bored and there also are the other complaints I listed, but honestly it’s a remake of a 20 year old game, crazy how well this holds up.

Biggest disappointment of 2023.

Cool to see how everything started

Pikachu looks like a child molester in this one

Anyways, this game was really interesting. The concept is absolutely crazy and, while the graphics are not the prettiest, the artstyle is really good, gave me huge “Catherine” vibes for some reason.
If the execution of the game’s ideas were flawless this game would’ve easily been one of my favorites but unfortunately it isn’t. The puzzles don’t always use the unique injury/mutilation system to its fullest and the game runs TERRIBLY (I played on a PS5) there are constant stutters in certain parts of the game and loadings take strangely long for a game with such simple graphics, besides I’ve encountered some game breaking glitches, one of wich almost made it impossible for me to complete the game.
The story is kind of a mixed bag, the mystery itself is intriguing and really gets you hooked (especially for all the weird stuff that happens) and the ending is phenomenal but the text messages you get as a reward for getting donuts are really boring to read. They simply are regular text messages between a college student and her friends; maybe there are some special ones if you collect every single donut but I have no clue.
In conclusion: I think that this is a very solid game with a crazy and unique gameplay concept and while the game is flawed I think it is definitely worth a try.

My computer is too shit to run it😭

It’s very hard to rate a game like this. This is so far off from everything I’ve tried before it. Everyone should try it.


0/10 doesn’t look like the movie at all, plus it is spelled GREASE

Wow. I finally finished this game. My 11 year old self would be proud. I love this game, it really does mean a lot to me but now that I actually completed it I can see its flaws. This game isn’t perfect, for example the repeated bosses in the final stage felt a bit like filler and some of the controls feel a bit clunky (man grabbing ladders was really hard for me😭) but there also is a lot of really great stuff. The character design is SO COOL, the music is just iconic for me, the level design is very good and the gameplay mechanics are nice. The power ups you get through the adventure really make you feel like you are getting stronger along the way and are very fun and creative.
As for the flaws, the game is extremely hard, probably the hardest game I have ever played. I like hard games and I felt challenged through the entire experience, the point is that there were a lot of moments where the bosses put you in inescapable positions where your only option is to take damage. Another complaint I have is against some bosses I didn’t really like: the spider and the final boss’s first form. They are pretty long to get through and they just feel like a chore.
In conclusion I really like this game and I know the review is probably shit but I am so emotionally attached to this game that I just can’t really critique it how it should be done.