this game should be twenty dollars instead of five


what if every time you beat a mission in an open world game it punted you to a menu and made you start over from the beginning

it seems facile, but it's not that facile

the best multiplayer game of 2022 doesn't have multiplayer, but it does have some of the worst character writing

a slightly old sega naomi cabinet's half-remembered impression of a sonic the hedgehog 2 stage has been performed on command enough to excited relatives at thanksgiving that it's developed its own identity, and that identity has decided it wants to be a cocaine-binging mangaka who visits california every christmas.

the presents it gives its family are useless, but beautiful.

the community season four of video games

This review was written before the game released

i will play it every day until i die, and i will feel the same about it after death that i do now

edit: i think i escaped

this game is a warning to all writers who dare to think they are above killing their darlings

maybe, one day, there might be an indie narrative game that doesn't give you one last too-long epilogue victory lap through its world to talk to every character again before closing the book.

there is a moment in beacon pines that caused my jaw to involuntarily drop. it won me over with a sense of infinite possibility. it never quite manages to hit the heights that suggested, but it never falters, either.

if great artists steal, this is some of the greatest of the medium. its only major flaw is its unwillingness to be truly inconvenient

the sonic franchise has for years been like an excited child with perpetually disappointed parents, constantly asking "is this good? is this okay? do you like this?"

for the first time in two decades, a sonic game instead says to you "no. this is good. this is okay. you DO like this."

a hollow, porcelain doll with careful paint and messy glue.

it playacts at grandiosity, assuming this makes itself grandiose. in truth, all that does is make its play an act.