13 Reviews liked by purpley_goodness

This game is not fun. Also brings me back to a really bad time in my life where I have sometimes not had WiFi. usually when I don't have WiFi I cannot tweet and I have to watch movies on Blu Ray or something I already have downloaded on my Laptop. The gameplay is boring and it feels incomplete.

this is where I ended my skylanders career



Really great game that is best completed during a long weekend. I really loved it and played 2-3 hours a day (which I haven't done with any game for a while) for a whole week until my power went out. I have now lost motivation to finish and dont have the momentum.

Incredibly underwhelming Metroidvania that feels like it fundamentally misunderstands the appeal of this genre. Upgrades are barely more than glorified keys for glorified locks with no utility on their own, levels are a chore to navigate, just play Demon's Crest instead for a similar structure executed much better.

really great but I chickened out of the ending and now do not like to think about it. but really great