43 reviews liked by quinhas

Literally the best game ever made

My first videogame ever. Peak platforming goodness. Replayed it countless of times. Still get lost at the forest of illusion.

The greatest love-hate relationship in my life, but the thousand hours I've played and the friends I've made through it are testament to how much fun this game genuinely is

Near flawless immersive sim mechanics-wise, but falls a little flat in regards to the plot - the pacing can feel somewhat off at times and the narrative is a little bit more on the nose than its predecessor.

Perfect DLC for a perfect game. Not only were the boss fights extremely fun and memorable, but the orchestral work is one of fromsoft's best yet. Lady Maria giving in to the blood throughout her boss fight - thus betraying her own morals and philosophy - is one of the best examples of storytelling masterfully entwined with gameplay mechanics.

Yes, the dungeons are copypasted; no, we never leave kirkwall for almost a decade; yes, it's only one possible origin this time around.

And yet, this is the game I've replayed more than any other due to how intimately the narrative resonated with me. Marian Hawke is truly one of the best and most relatable protagonists of all gaming for me, and Bioware will never top the Isabela f!romance - nudge nudge wink wink

The only way for this game to be perfect would be if the writers had allowed Lara to kiss Sam as the rainbow shone down on them.

Would be a perfect game if Zidane wasn't.
.... like that

As much as I found the turned-based battle system to be a bit boring sometimes, being able to change party members on the go was very good. Narrative-wise, the plot was convoluted as hell as expected, and I wasn't enthused by the villain and his motivations. The other party members besides Yuna and Tidus also tend to fade away in the background, unfortunately.