CRT Monitor-Friendly Modern PC Games

Big thanks to Riggles on the CRTcord for the list! If you have any suggestions, please comment with the game, resolution, and any additional settings you used.

Yume Nikki
Yume Nikki
Most RPGMaker games are in 4:3 and will use similar settings
Cave Story
Cave Story
NXEngine-EVO version 320x240p
Sonic Mania Plus
Sonic Mania Plus
4:3 settings.ini file: pixWidth=1 winWidth=320 winHeight=240)
AM2R: Return of Samus
AM2R: Return of Samus
Touhou Koumakyou: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Touhou Koumakyou: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Touhou games are in 4:3 and have options for 640x480 as late as 18.
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
320x240, looks crappy, optimally 480p
Rayman Redemption
Rayman Redemption
Mega Man X: Corrupted
Mega Man X: Corrupted
Almost 4:3, 352x224 not released
Copy Kitty
Copy Kitty
Running at native 800x600
Yo! Noid 2: Game of a Year Edition
Yo! Noid 2: Game of a Year Edition
Use "remake" graphics, 320x240, scaled down with either windowshift or a .ahk script
Streets of Rage Remake
Streets of Rage Remake
320x240, don't touch vsync (works but is bugged if toggled)
Mega Man Perfect Blue
Mega Man Perfect Blue
not released
Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit
Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit
Mega Man Maker
Mega Man Maker
Clockwork Aquario
Clockwork Aquario
not released
Steel Assault
Steel Assault
fullscreen 320x240p
Kingdoms of the Dump
Kingdoms of the Dump
originally 4:3, small possibility to have it as an option according to dev
Rikki & Vikki
Rikki & Vikki
Udongein X
Udongein X
320x240, not released
Andro Dunos II
Andro Dunos II
Senjin Aleste
Senjin Aleste


1 year ago

fuck you for making me thinking corrupted was finished

1 year ago

Copy Kitty running at its default of 800x600

1 year ago

Super Lesbian Animal RPG works great on a crt, I'm constantly in awe of how crisp it looks, and I'm noticing alot of details I never noticed when playing on an flat-screen, especially details in shadow and shading.

1 year ago

@NoMoreMemes reccomended settings? And yeah I really love how Pastel colors look on them!

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