probably the coolest shit ever made when you think about it

the highlight is that blonde chick with a fringe haircut giving head. other than that it has all the same problems rockstar games have had for ages, shitty movement and linear missions. i still like it though

not a meme game like the second one, to its credit but it is not as good as the second one. still a cRPG great though

this game is about some pig pedophile trying to get his dick sucked or something iunno it's pretty fun though

the main quest should have been more like this

i don't know how why they keep handing over main quest writing to the same dude at bethesda because it's always fucking incomprehensible
anyways other than that it's fun and the side quests are great
there's not actually that much you can really do though other than build shit

had my ear eaten by mike tyson. 9/10

it's good for the same reasons oblivion is. the main quest gives me a fucking brain hemorrhage though. also i get bored a lot easier than other fallout games. the main quest is like fallout 1 through the lens of a traumatic brain injury

absolute masterpiece, a joy to read and roll