My first Dishonored game. A solid stealth game but the last two levels felt kinda long-winded and overly large, to the point where I was rushing the game.

A good sequel to Breath of the Wild that improves on nearly every aspect, but has less of the incredible moments of discovery that made the first playthrough of that game so memorable to me. Each of the three main layers needed more attention as far as content goes; many areas of the Surface are untouched and have no incentive to revisit them, outside of caves; the Skies have little substance to them outside of the story content; and the Depths were almost great but needed more landmarks.

As it is, Tears of the Kingdom is a great game and I look forward to replaying it on the next system but it really did disappoint me.

One of the most baffling AAA releases I've played in a while. I was super into the direction they were going with but nothing about the final release clicked for me. I never thought I would say this but I actually liked the story in 7 Remake better than the one in XVI. At least that game had some likeable characters and charm to it.

Don't trust my opinion because I didn't beat it (got to the "Riddles in the Sand" bit), but I would be lying if I said I enjoyed any part of it outside the Benedikta fight and some of the music.

It would easier to talk about the flaws because there are so few compared to the things the game absolutely nails. Only complaints really are some repetitive, blocky level designs and a few bosses that get annoying on the Ascended difficulty like Markoth. Otherwise, the game is just perfect in every aspect. One of my favourite games ever and easily the best Metroidvania I've played.

Silksong can't come soon enough.

A perfect score for a perfect game. Also, go play the Strawberry Jam mod if you have it on PC.

This game has so many problems that it feels downright amateur at times. It's also the most fun I've ever had with a 3D Sonic game ever. It's the first and only game I've ever platinum'd on Playstation. They nailed the most important thing here, being how Sonic feels to control and that makes all the bad stuff more tolerable.

It's makes the bad parts of Sonic Frontiers - the combat, the gameplay programming, the pop-in - worse, and the good parts - the music, the platforming, the Cyberspace levels - better. So all in all, it averages out to a 7/10.

Amazing, inventive puzzle game that got me into the greater world of "hardcore" puzzle games. The amount of content here is nuts, especially with the level editor update that adds a whole campaign's worth of new levels.

An incredibly well-paced and "brisk" sequel that feels absolutely effortless in its construction. I was hooked from start to finish and stayed up until 4am for the last two nights binging the story missions.

The boss design & asset reuse towards the end is total butt, but the consistency and depth of this world is unrivalled among open world games. It also has undeniably the best executed combat system of any open world title. I love the new Zelda games but they wish they had as much unique content as this game does. While not my favourite Soulslike, it's easily the best open world that's currently out and sets a new bar that will be difficult to exceed.

One of the most innovative 2D platformers I've played in recent memory, while still having excellent controls and level design. It's been criminally overlooked and underrated by most players. If nothing else, I really hope more platformers borrow this game's dual-level and overworld mechanics, since world maps have gotten boring a long time ago in 2D platformers.

A well-made level editor, with a solid "Story Mode" campaign and great additions to the level maker. Unfortunately, the game's level searching interface kinda sucks, especially for finding Super Worlds, and I needed to rely on external sources to find anything worth playing. It also should have gotten 1.5-2 years worth of updates, but only ended up getting 2 major updates.

For the next game, they really need to go all in by adding a wide selection of music from across the series, change the NSMB U style to something more visually pleasing (like Super Mario Wonder) and let us customise the assets more. It still needs another iteration on the concept before I'd be confident enough in their ability to make a worthwhile 3D level editor.

It successfully revitalised the Mario Kart Online for me. The value on offer here is astounding, the kind we rarely see from Nintendo, whose DLCs are often overpriced for the amount of content on offer imo. With the news that Tour is ending its updates, I'm so happy that these tracks are getting preserved in some form. The Booster Course Pass was also meant to be just new tracks, but they overdelivered, providing new features, mechanical tweaks and new characters. I had a blast with every new wave, seeing what surprise additions they would add.

This biggest issue with it are the City tracks. I like these more than most and would rank some of them among of my favourite tracks ever, with Sydney Sprint being a standout. However, the readability is terrible, even on the best ones, with the giant red arrows that I always end up crashing into. Wish they found a better way to implement this.

While not without its rough edges, it’s supremely well made and just as satisfying as it’s inspirations.