If I were to rank it on the low parts only, it would be the worst game of all time. If I were to rank it only on the high parts, it would be the best game ever made.

Criminally misunderstood game among people who dislike it that manages to weave some of the most compelling character's I've seen in a long while, notably Akechi and Maruki with Maruki pretty much being the best persona character? Overall in spite of the middling rating, it winds up being a game I'd recommend more than any of my actual favourites.

this might be the best piece of fiction ever

the fact that a real person made this and thought it was good enough to release to the public is reason enough to not play this series

A game with solid ideas that struggles with its execution.

the best trails game. Absolutely riddles with issues, but the peaks are too high to ignore

trails of cold steel better + play real games

Surprisingly good, though it is definitely the weakest entry in the series. Excited to see where it goes. Gotta love Machias, Crow and Jusis.

They made the guys from SFM doggystyle porn (with sfx + sound) into an fps game