13 reviews liked by rightsider

nice "nuanced character writing" you fucking dipshit now check this out


I hear everywhere that this is one of the best jrpgs to ever exist, but I just can not get myself to agree. This is still an OUTSTANDING game. The story more streamlined itself enough to get you back on track from comparison of Zero, character bonds only feel like they got better and that this has probably the best combat in the series. This is the final game with original sepith lines before Cold Steel ruined my soul ON TOP OF Master Quartz. The main thing holding this back for me is that certain key points just feel boring and useless to the overall game and that (even though I say bonds got better) certain characters still just feel dull. Lloyd got not too much, Elie just became a walking boob joke in multiple points of the game and don't get me started on Noel. I'm sorry, I just can't do it.

Beat: 6/11/23

Big takeaway from this one: MUSSE MUSSE MUSSE

theres 2 scenes in this game where the main character fantasizes about killing children he has never met

everyday i wake up and remember this game and go yup this is my least favorite thing ever