This game is so cool. The attractions can leave a bit to be desired, but are still tons of fun. They should make Nintendo Land real, amirite, guys?

I got this game as a kid and don't know why I ever played it more than once.

I haven't made a review in a while, so time to fix that with a comprehensive look at Doodle Jump!!!!!

It's a game!!!!!!!

I'm so fucking mad.

This game is unbelievably raw. This game is pure testosterone and every moment I play, it makes me wanna get up and punch something (in a good way). It has way over the top battles and has some typical shonen shit, which is amazing because that is what I live for. The gameplay is kinda fun but not the best, but what I mentioned before more than makes up for it and would make this a 5 star game for me. At least, it would be if not for the DLC locking the last part of the game behind money. I'm kinda dumb for not realizing it until I got to the "end," but that just made it even more disappointing. Now I'M too angry to die. I'm gonna beat the shit out of the CEO of DLC with real life QTEs now.

I played in the first few weeks it came out and had some fun with it. Then I dropped it as hard as I drop all the mobile games I play after that period. I don't hate it, I'm just not interested anymore. It feels like the devs care though. WB on the other hand? Just look up a picture of Mr. Krabs so I don't have to say it.

I thought I'd play this game as a joke and get ironic enjoyment out of it. Then I'm hit with "Ooooh life is so hard you should KILL YOURSELF!"
Fuck you Notch. Genuinely. This was like 10 minutes but I want my time back.

I don't play many roguelikes, so this game kicked my ass at first. Fortunately, I browse r/gaming on reddit, so I got good enough to be able to beat dungeons on the first try. Speaking of dungeons, they're pretty short and shouldn't take longer than thirty minutes to beat if I remember correctly, so if you've got a free day and fucking hate (or mildly dislike) capitalism, give this game a whirl. It's slightly jank and can be cheesed, but it's short enough to not overstay it's welcome and for you to come out enjoying your time with it. Cool game haha

Every copy of this game is personalized and it is glorious. If you want to play a game that'll just make you smile the whole time you play, consider this one. It's not perfect, but still a fun enough time to where you can ignore those problems. The game's just super silly and enjoyable, and at this point the review of this is getting redundant from me constantly saying how fun this game is, so just believe me and play it already!

This game's sort of re-surging, so I figured I'd make a review. There are a lot of spoiler related things I wanna talk about, but I doubt anyone cares that much if they already played, so I'm abandoning that.

First of all, the rating is completely based on my enjoyment with the game. To be honest, there are a lot of aspects about this game that just suck (mostly with the main story), and not even the greatest fans can excuse them. With the story, it starts off strong, but sort of fluctuates in quality. Some parts are good, great, or even amazing, but a lot of it is okay or bad. There are a few sections I like the story of, but with most of them I mostly just like some bits and pieces. That's the problem with this game; supplementary parts of the story are consistently enjoyable, like the random events that happen in between and the confidants, but the main course isn't enough on it's own. In a bit of minor spoiler territory, the confidant story lines and the feeling of friendship the party has (mostly through Mementos dialogue and the random events) don't feel like they were considered in the main story until the very end. It feels like wasted potential. If the rating wasn't based on my personal enjoyment, it would definitely be lower for this.

With all of that out of the way, that's all the things about the game I think are bad and worth considering if you wanna buy the game. Now I'll talk about the other big thing, which is combat. The game is overall pretty easy, and you'd probably have a better time picking a harder difficulty on the first playthrough. There's no shame if you don't though, it's okay to have a game journo moment every once in a while. Even though it is kinda easy, the combat is flashy, satisfying, and quick enough to not become a slog quickly. Making persona builds can be fun, but you don't have to put much effort into it, since being able to switch them in the first place is pretty broken. There are a lot of things in your arsenal that are broken, so you can just do what's fun for you without a care in the world. I don't have much else to say on combat, it's pretty simple, what do you expect from me, an essay? Oh, wait.

Overall, the game is flawed, but fun enough. Not for everybody, but you'll most likely get a worthwhile experience from. The rating is a bit biased, cuz the game holds a place in my heart, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm not completely unfair though. Half a star off, too much water in the fishing minigame.

This isn't even a joke I think I'm going through the stages of grief with this game. I am genuinely upset over not being able to play, and will probably cry in the shower about it at least once per month.

Okay, maybe one part was a bit exaggerated, but now moderate depression turned major.

People younger than me like this, so I should hate it. But that's the thing, I don't! The game has its charm, but it feels more like a novelty than anything else right now. There are cool things about this game. Like the songs. Then again, I have terrible music taste, so that doesn't count. That's about all I can seriously compliment though, so if you don't like the music, don't touch it, if that wasn't obvious for a rhythm game.

Way, way back when, I used to eat, breathe, and sleep this game (or platform, whatever). Now, it just feels completely soulless. They were too lazy and creatively bankrupt to continue making events, and the community is looking pretty unoriginal too with me being up to my neck in anime games. At this point, the amount of games that I genuinely like aren't even in the double digits. Even the logo is just lame, with the latest one making the already unimaginative one worse. There are some impressive games that groups have made that I bet they can be proud of, and I'm happy for them, but it's mostly just garbage with no purpose. It doesn't help that it's all run by a scumbag company, which makes my disappointment run deeper. Truly the end of an era. At least it's still better than Minecraft.

Just to clarify to the two redditors reading this who care, that last bit was a joke.

You can make the game peak fiction, absolute garbage, or really anything else and it's glorious. The only thing that's holding you back is the awful website to download stuff from.

There are like a half dozen maps that are actually fun, and sabotaging among us skins is funny, but that's it. I do not have fun with this at all and I'm amazed that other people do. To be honest, I'm surprised other games aren't rated higher than this, but maybe I just have terrible taste.

Does anyone genuinely like this game? Did they really think those youtubers playing this game were real? Are the people who like this game real? Were they the sussy imposters all along? The world may never know.