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It baffles me how hard this game swings from one peak to pure abyss. Having Nishikiyama and Jingu in the same game is comedy gold

The peak of Fortnite might just be one of the greatest stretches of my life.

Emo joker tells you life is worth living.

No but seriously this game has so much to say and it says it all in such a beautiful and poetic manner

My favorite moment in Umineko is when Rudolf said suck my balls

Peak Fiction

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This episode is easily my favorite part of the series. The amount of raw emotion this episode made me feel is jaw dropping. Maria and Rosas story is one of the most tragic stories I've experienced and then you add Anges story into this and it becomes peak fiction

I've had to come to terms with the fact that this game just isn't for me. From the meh platforming to the not so interesting movement in the first half. My biggest problem moreso than any of that is the lack of a health bar. In Dark Souls ( sorry for the comparison, not sorry) every time you fight a boss it always feels rewarding as the damage you deal works as a great way to show your progression throughout the fight and see how much you've improved. In Hollow Knight however, this isn't the case. There really is no way of telling just how much you've progressed through the fight which made each of them tedious and a chore to get through.

Still cant fathom the fact that this game was released 12 years ago.

I can't control the camera. 0/10

This series has taken over my life

My rom accidently deleted 15 hrs in. Had so much fun with it. Gonna go back and finish it one day

First half is kinda bad but the second half of the game brings it up by so much