A love letter to the blue blur. Probably the most consistent playing Sonic game to date. There is also loads and loads of replay value here.

Great lil platformer. On the easy side, and the minigames definitely have NOT aged well, but they just don't make games like this anymore. The visuals are stunning for an early PS2 game, and the sound design is immaculate as well. The little strums of bass while sneaking are seared into my eardrums.

Great lil dungeon crawler, but the ambiguous plot and ending feel a little derivative of FromSoft and a little weak in my opinion.
The enemy AI is mega jank and easy to abuse, and certain weapons break the games difficulty in half.
The visuals are spot on for a game like this, but I feel some of the NPCs are a little out of place tonally. Demi and Patchouli are pretty anime.
I loved the Super Metroid inspired final boss tho

Well made but doesn't really keep me coming back for more after that first 1CC. Most of that is cause the game is just sauceless as fuck. Hyper generic Sci-fi anime aesthetic and eh soundtrack.

Weak as shit. Feels edgy for edginess sake

One of the greats. Truly endless player interaction through parry.

Buffer parries your counterpoke into Gigas
"GGs shake my hand"

Avoid Brazilians on Fightcade

Just a total complete package of a game. Probably the best since MK9, maybe even better. Drive System allows for a lot of player expression. Characters are varied visually and play distinctly as well.

Horrible online, dogshit content, stubby buttons galore and terrible fireballs. Akuma is cool tho

Middling metroidvania. There are lots better indie metroidvanias out there to play

Tries to copy Undertale but without an ounce of the charm. The hybrid bullet hell/rhythm game style sounds fun on paper, but I find that many of the attack patterns don't exactly match up with the music, making dodging a complete gamble sometimes. A weak attempt at meta bullshit is made but it doesn't really feel earned at all. Perhaps the biggest criticism I can give is that this is a rhythm game with a extremely forgettable soundtrack

Just not for me. The plot is an extremely slow burn for the first half of the game and the gameplay got a little repetitive. The combat is alright, but IMO not enough to carry the full 30 hour runtime

The peak of the genre. Incredible OST.

The patterns on display are some of the most creative and intricately laid out in any shmup. This should seriously be required reading for anyone making a game. The enemy placement, timings, and patterns are designed so intricately and click together like one big puzzle, guiding the player along. The scoring system encourages you to play aggressively and really engage with the enemy patterns to survive. Just a masterclass in game design

First Bullet Hell I ever 1CC'd. Love the bullet cancelling with the hyper system and the lock on secondary weapon to push your multiplier as high as possible. Really encourages letting the screen fill up with enemies and bullets to cash in score

The hyper mode to cancel bullets is amazing and the patterns are unbelievably creative. The laser circles in Stage 5 sent me to hell and back but damn they are cool as shit. Banging soundtrack as is usual for CAVE

Middling shmup thats too easy. Really hate that the slow button slows the whole game instead of just the ship